"Thank you," Grace sighed as she leaned forward to press her forehead against his shoulder. He still said nothing but smiled to himself, digging his thumb further into her heel to relieve the pressure.


Hobi adjusted his phone in his hand, holding it so it was easier on his fingers while the video played. They were at a photoshoot and he was waiting on his turn, having placed fourth in line to go with Grace to follow him. There wasn't much to do but catch up on his kdramas and his emails while he waited to be called for wardrobe and hair/makeup.

A light weight to his chest startled him and he almost dropped his phone until he realised who it was.

"Bored, noona?" Hobi asked, pushing a pillow behind him so there was something supporting his neck and back.

"Hmm, I got here first but placed fifth. Might as well hang out with you till you're called," Grace shifted so her head was resting on his chest, her face turned upwards towards the phone where the episode was playing.

"Have you seen this? Do you want me to start again?" he asked, reaching down to run his fingers through her hair.

"No you can keep going, I don't want to interrupt where you're up to," she adjusted slightly but stayed still, letting Hobi play with her hair while the drama played.

Hobi grinned and turned up the volume a bit, settling in to watch his episode and keep his noona company. He didn't know how long time had passed but they got five episodes in before he was called so he handed his phone to Grace with the promise that they could continue watching the season but allowing her to catch up on what she had missed so far.


It was hard being the leader of the group, it was even harder being the mother of the group. She counted every single head as they went out the door, made sure everyone had their phones, passports, ID, games, snacks, etc and that they had their shoes on. She was the first one there when the first signs of an illness arrived, she was the first one there when someone was sad and she was the first one there if anyone had a solo project.

Namjoon was the bridge between the band and the company, the one who took the lead in interviews, made sure everyone's schedules were on track and he was keeping up to date with what everyone was doing. While Seokjin & Yoongi took the title of 'father' in the dorms, Namjoon was the 'father' in public.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Grace hide a yawn behind her hand then wince. She had woken up with a sore throat that was leaving her with little to no voice, she was running a bit of a fever and there was a constant supply of tissues nearby. It was rare for Grace to get ill but when she did, she got it bad.

They were at another award show but thankfully no performance so all they had to do was sit there and smile and collect their awards if they were awarded any.

Namjoon could see Grace shiver slightly and it wasn't because of the room. She already had a blanket draped over her legs and as much as she wanted to drape it around her shoulders, she couldn't at an award ceremony. Without thinking about it, Namjoon shrugged off his blazer and slid it onto her shoulders, tucking the blanket tighter around her legs.

"Hopefully we won't be long Gigi," he muttered as he scooted closer, trying to give her as much warmth as possible. Hobi, who sat next to Grace, saw what was going on and scooted closer as well.

When there was an advert break, Namjoon felt the weight of Grace's head on his shoulder and he couldn't help but grin. It was rare for his noona to show any public affection to her brothers and especially to Namjoon, so the fact she was doing this now he knew she wasn't well at all.

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