...that was beginning to regrow.

Kirai nearly threw up at the sight of the nomu's muscles quite literally leaping out of its shoulders socket, a new arm growing itself in a matter of seconds.

But that's... that's not possible.

The creature is already clearly super strong. It also must have super speed as well, to keep up with All Might's attacks- not to mention some kind of shock absorption to withstand all of his punches. But regeneration too?

It's almost like it has multiple-

"All Might!"

The blond hero glanced behind him to see Kirai's wide eyes staring straight at him.

"The villain said that thing was bioengineered specifically to defeat you! It might have more than one quirk so that it can accomplish its mission, even at your best!"

His eyes widened. "But that's impossible!"

"It would be for an ordinary person, but that thing is barely even human."

All Might turned to stare back at the creature, who screeched its wild call into the dome before shooting forward in a blur.

Midoriya held his ground, his face half-determined and half-terrified as he seemed to be readying and throwing a punch...

...that had no effect on the monster at all.

His eyes went wide, and the creature had nearly taken his head off with a swipe before an explosion was shot straight at the nomu's face, giving All Might enough time to snatch Midoriya and bolt to the other side of the square.

Bakugo was cackling maniacally as he shot off explosion after explosion in the nomu's face, ice coating the ground and freezing it in place as Kirai's brother entered the fight as well.

Seeing her classmates there, helping All Might and Midoriya had her breathing a sigh of relief.

She glanced at Tsu, who was also watching them fight. "We need to get Chunami and Aizawa to safety."

The frog-girl nodded seriously, the two of them doing their best to make it up the stairs quickly as more explosions and hisses of ice sounded below.

Suddenly, there was a cacophony of thuds before the shattering of glass, and when the girls turned around to see what had happened, they saw the nomu disappearing into the sky where All Might had launched it.

Relief nearly made Kirai crumble, but she shook her head and forced herself to continue up the stairs with Chunami in her arms, who seemed to have unconsciously gotten closer to her.

But I'm so cold... maybe that's what she needs? If I'm right about her quirk and her body is reacting like a computer right now, does that mean that she needs to be cooled down to "reload" better?

Kirai had no idea, but it seemed to be working, so she gritted her teeth and cooled her body down as much as physically possible before her quirk would activate, her entire body shivering as her organs burned harshly and her blood slowed down.

"Todoroki, your face-"

"I know. Ignore it. We have to get to the entrance."

Tsu pressed her lips together but nodded, the two of them stumbling their way up the stairs to get help.

Kirai glanced at her teacher, and a feeling of sick worry overcame her.

She hoped they weren't too late.




Kirai was practically on top of Chunami, shivering as she kept her body cooled and felt the cold air from the fan Yaoyorozu made for her blowing straight on them.

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