Chapter 19: Much Needed Talk

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Scene: Ashu's home, same evening.

The sun begins to set, casting a warm golden hue over the village. As the day comes to a close, Ashu and Raj find themselves in Ashu's home, reflecting on the whirlwind of rumours that have swept through the village.

Raj: (leaning against a wall) Can you believe how crazy things have gotten?

Ashu: (chuckles) It's like a game of telephone gone wrong.

As they share a light-hearted moment, Mandeep's absence is felt. He's out for a walk, blissfully unaware of the commotion that's taken over the village.

Just then, Ashu's parents, Harjit and Gurpreet, enter the room. Their expressions are a mix of concern and curiosity.

Harjit: (looking at both kids) Ashika, Raj, there's something we need to talk about.

Raj and Ashu exchange glances, bracing themselves for the conversation that's about to unfold.

Gurpreet: (softly) We've been hearing some rumours around the village.

Ashu: (nervously) I can guess what they're about.

Harjit: (concerned) It seems like people think you're... transgender and in a romantic relationship with Raj.

Raj stifles a laugh, while Ashu feels a strange mixture of embarrassment and frustration.

Raj: (grinning) Well, that escalated quickly.

Ashu: (rolling his eyes) Tell me about it.

Gurpreet: (gently) We know this isn't true, right?

Ashu: (sighing) Of course, Mom. It's just a crazy rumour.

Harjit: (softly) We trust you, Ashika. But we also want you to know that you can talk to us about anything. If there's something you're struggling with, we're here for you.

Ashu's heart warms at his parents' words, realizing once again the strength of their support.

Ashu: (smiling) Thanks, Baba. I appreciate that.

Raj: (nodding) Yeah, Ashu, we're all here for you.

As the evening unfolds, Ashu and Raj find solace in the support of their friends and family. And as they navigate the aftermath of the rumours, they're reminded once again that sometimes the truth can be stranger than fiction, but the bonds that hold them together are unwavering.

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