Chapter 18: Prank Gone Wrong

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Scene: Ashu's village, Day 5.

The final day of Mandeep's visit has passed, and as the sun rises on Day 5, Ashu finds himself reflecting on the journey that has unfolded—a journey of challenges, growth, and unexpected connections. Little does he know, this day will bring an entirely new set of challenges.

As the villagers go about their daily routines, whispers start to spread like wildfire—a rumour that takes root and spreads like a storm. The news that Ashu and Raj went on a date together has somehow gotten out, and the village is buzzing with speculation.

Villager 1: (whispering) Did you hear about Ashika and Raj?

Villager 2: (nodding) Yes, I heard they went on a date together.

Villager 3: (curious) But isn't Ashika a boy?

Villager 1: (speculating) I heard she might be transgender.

Villager 2: (surprised) And in love with Raj?

Villager 3: (whispering) I can't believe it.

As the rumours spread, Ashu's life takes an unexpected turn. The truth—the real reason behind the charade—remains hidden, but the village's assumptions take on a life of their own.

Ashu: (to himself) How did things get so complicated?

As the day unfolds, Ashu finds himself the subject of curious glances and hushed conversations. The village's assumption about his gender identity and relationship with Raj takes him by surprise, leaving him feeling exposed and vulnerable.

Raj: (approaching Ashu) Have you heard what's going on?

Ashu: (sighing) Yes. It seems like the whole village thinks I'm transgender and in love with you.

Raj: (raising an eyebrow) Seriously?

Ashu: (rolling his eyes) I know, it's ridiculous.

As the day progresses, Ashu and Raj find themselves navigating the village's assumptions with a mix of frustration and humour.

Raj: (grinning) Who would've thought our prank would lead to this?

Ashu: (smirking) I guess we reap what we sow.

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