Chapter 1

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Anna's Pov

Run. Fight. Survive.

The three things I now live by, if someone would have told me four months or so ago that the world was going to go to shit I would have laughed and said that it was already turned to shit and that you were delusional because people have been saying the world is going to end since my grandparents and maybe even their own were young.

But little did I know that the world indeed was going to turn to shit with the dead up and walking around tearing into our flesh and devouring us as if we were a piece of fried chicken to satisfy their sick undying hunger created by the only need to survive.

Running is all I seem to be doing lately, if not from the dead then from the living. Unfortunately that is now the world we live in. It's sad that people are this selfish but it has always been this way it's just human nature I guess; even in the old world humans did horrible things to one another just for their own selfish needs and now that these things are hunting us down and making us in to their meals its only gotten worse.

There is no government, no cops, no hospitals, and no type of law or safety anymore. None of it exists it's just the survival of the fittest. There is no longer room for error if you screw up you die it is as simple as that.

Everyone took advantage of not having to worry about surviving, hell even the homeless they were still able to eat and find shelter. But now you must fight to live, eat, and even sleep with one eye open.

I slowly walked through the woods, trying to avoid any of those sickly creatures. I heard a twig snap from somewhere around me but then nothing. I continued to make my way through the woods figuring it was just an animal. Snap there goes another twig and I heard something hit the tree with a thump. I reached behind my back to get my gun from the waist line of my pants getting ready to shoot if necessary. A man holding a cross bow emerged from behind a tree with a few squirrels tied to his belt loop.

"Drop yer weapon and walk away from it slowly, keep yer hands up in the air." the man said with a strong redneck accent.

I did as I was told glaring at the buff man thinking of ways to get out of this. The man walked over still facing his cross bow at me and grabbed my gun from the floor.

"Are ye alone, do you have a group?" the man asked sounding irritated.

What the hell excuse does he have to get irritated he's the one bothering me.

"Yeah I'm alone and why does it matter if I have a group or not?" I fired back getting aggravated with this man.

"Jus' answer the damn question woman!" the guy yelled as he looked around before settling his eyes back on me.

"No I don't have a damn group geez! You have no right to be having that attitude with me dude; you came over her bugging me alright? If anyone has the right to be pissed off it's me!" I yelled back matching his tone.

He looked at me questionably for a moment and placed his cross bow over his shoulder. The man walked up to me and handed me my gun.

"Come on then we're burnin' day light, got to get back ta camp. My names Daryl." the man grumbled.

"Well Daryl, I'm Anna but what makes you so sure I want to go to your camp?" I asked looking at him curiously.

"Whatever do what ya want but either way I'm goin' back ta my camp." Daryl stated as he began walking away.

This guy is something else.

I puffed out a breath of air.

Might as well go I ran out of food and water yesterday, there's only an hour or two of sun left anyway. The walkers will be worse soon.

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