Chapter 3: Reluctant Acceptance

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Scene: Ashu's room, later that day.

Ashu sits on his bed, arms crossed, as his parents enter the room.

Harjit: (softly) Ashu, we understand this isn't easy for you. But we're in a tough situation, and we need to keep up the charade.

Ashu: (muttering) It's not fair. Why do I have to pretend to be someone else just for money?

Gurpreet: (sitting beside him) Ashu, we're not doing this lightly. We're doing it to secure a better future for you, to make sure you have opportunities.

Ashu: (looking away) But what about me? What about who I am?

Harjit: (placing a hand on his shoulder) We know this is hard, beta. We appreciate your sacrifice, and once Mandeep's gone, we'll find a way to make things right.

Ashu: (sighs) Fine, I'll do it. But I don't have to like it.

Gurpreet: (smiling weakly) We know, Ashu. We'll get through this together.

Ashu's parents exchange a glance, understandingthe weight of their request and the strain it's placing on their son.

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