Chapter 2: The Arrival of Mandeep

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Scene: Ashu's home, early morning.

Ashu's parents, Harjit and Gurpreet, sit at the kitchen table, brows furrowed in concern.

Harjit: (sighs) Gurpreet, we need to talk. Mandeep is coming, and he thinks we have a daughter.

Gurpreet: (worried) I know, Harjit. But we can't let him know the truth. He's willing to donate a large sum for our "daughter's" future.

Ashu enters the kitchen, sensing the tension in the air.

Ashu: What's going on, Mom, Dad?

Harjit: (forcing a smile) Ashu, beta, Mandeep believes we have a girl, and he's going to help us financially. We need you to go along with it while he's here.

Ashu: (confused) What? But why do I have to pretend to be someone else?

Gurpreet: (softly) Ashu, it's complicated. We're facing some financial difficulties, and Mandeep's help could make a huge difference for us.

Ashu: (frustrated) So you want me to dress up like a girl, act all girly, just to get some money? That's not fair!

Harjit: (pleading) Beta, we know it's not ideal, but we're in a tough spot. We're doing this for your future too.

Ashu: (crossing arms) I don't like it, Dad. It's not right. Why can't we just tell him the truth?

Gurpreet: (sighs) Ashu, if Mandeep finds out, he might change his mind about helping us. We don't want to risk that.

Ashu grumbles, his frustration evident.

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