"Rumors? About what?"Vaggie hesitates for a moment before speaking, 

"Well, there's speculation that a certain someone around here might actually be your daughter."I keep a poker face, not revealing my true feelings about this topic. 

"And who might this 'certain someone' be?"Vaggie glances at my daughter and then back at me, her tone slightly accusing. 

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe the new staff member who's been helping out around the hotel."I can sense the tension rising, and I can't help but challenge her tone. 

"Vaggie, you know very well that staff members have their own privacy, and it's not our place to dig into their personal matters."Vaggie's voice rises a bit, frustration evident. 

"I get that, but we're also trying to maintain a good reputation here. If these rumors spread further, it could have consequences for the hotel."I'm about to retort when Charlie steps in, trying to mediate. 

"Okay, guys, let's take a step back. Vaggie, I understand your concern about the hotel's reputation, but we can't pry into someone's private life without their consent."Vaggie crosses her arms, looking displeased but relenting. Charlie turns to me, her tone gentle.

"Alastor, what do you think?"I take a moment to gather my thoughts before responding evenly, "I believe in respecting the privacy of our staff members. If anyone wishes to share their personal information, it's their choice. And if rumors do arise, I trust in our ability to address them appropriately." Vaggie huffs but nods begrudgingly, and Charlie gives me an approving smile. "but  don't worry, my dear. I will resolve matter as soon as possible" 

"Thank you, Alastor. Let's remember to prioritize both our reputation and our staff's well-being." After the conversation settles, I rise from my seat, addressing Charlie. 

"Thank you for the conversation, Charlie. I appreciate your perspective."Charlie smiles, "Anytime, Alastor. We're a team, after all." As I exit her office, I carry a renewed sense of unity with me. While tensions might arise, our shared goal of maintaining harmony in Hell keeps us together. Returning to my daughter, I find her deep in thought. 

"Everything okay, Dad?" she asks, looking up at me with concern. 

"Everything's fine, my dear. Just remember, challenges will come, but together, we'll find our way through," I assure her, taking a seat beside her. She nods, determination in her eyes. 

"I know, Dad. No matter what, we've got this." Our reassuring smiles convey our unbreakable bond, which remains a constant amidst the chaos of Hell.


I take my usual evening stroll through the hotel's opulent corridors, couldn't help but notice the familiar, yet oddly endearing, spectacle unfolding at the bar. There, like clockwork, was Angel, resplendent in his white suit and unwavering confidence, attempting to work his charms on Uncle Tony, the perpetually grumpy cat demon bartender. Uncle Tony, as usual, was engrossed in mixing drinks, his sharp claws clicking against the glassware, trying to feign indifference to Angel's relentless advances. He muttered a litany of colorful expletives under his breath, all intended to shush Angel.

 "Can't you take a hint, ya feathered nuisance?" Husk grumbled, casting sidelong glares at the unyielding demon.But Angel, with a grin that could melt even the iciest of souls, leaned in closer, undeterred. 

"Aw, Husk, you know you love the attention. Besides, I can't resist your devilish charm."Husk's ears twitched in irritation as he swiped at a stray feather that dared to get too close.

My Sweet Demon Bell (Alastor x daughter reader)Where stories live. Discover now