I have touched you for the last time.

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Visions of Gideon          𓃦           Fire & Blood / House of the Dragon

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Visions of Gideon          𓃦           Fire & Blood / House of the Dragon

A letter from Grand Maester Orwylle to the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms appointed by the Hand of the King, Otto Hightower.

It is with grand honour to announce that Her Grace the Queen Alicent of House Hightower gave birth to the King's fourth in fifth children. During the hour of the wolf, the Queen gave birth to twins. First came the boy, which the Queen named Aemond, and then the girl, which the King named Daenys.

The boy was born healthy and strong with visible blood of the dragon running through his veins. His sister was born weaker and could not cry for a few moments. When she was given in the arms of her lady mother, the babe cried out and was fine. I suggested His Grace to keep the girl close to her mother in order to calm her nerves.

Both the King and his Hand proudly speak of the babes and celebrate their births. We hope to see you all in the celebration of the births in a Tourney organised by the King in the next week.

Grand Maester Orwylle of King's Landing.

— ﹙Princess Daenys of House Targaryen letter to Prince Aemond of House Targaryen in early Winter of 124 AC﹚

Dear brother,

I thought of writing you last week but the snow felt harsher over Winterfell and the ravens are hardly sent out lately. We only use them if we are in desperate need of bringing the news somewhere. Lord Bennard says my letters to you are not top priority such as the letters for the Wall so they will be sent whenever the time is appropriate. I hope that is soon.

The snow is becoming less so I hope these are sent out early enough. I wish you could be here and see the snow in real life. I doubt you'd like it though. There's a girl that lives in the Keep, her name is Aranna. She is here with her father (who oddly enough reminds me of uncle Wayne in many ways) and he taught me how to make snow castles. I thought of making a Red Keep one but I doubt that I am so talented of doing so.

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