Chapter 2 (I can help!)

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💖My home room class was already really hard to find, but finding my next class has taken me so long! I can't find it anywhere! I run around for awhile after finally finding the class! And just in time to, the bell had rung the second I stepped into the class room. I guess he's not in this class with me. The work was easy sense I have bin alive for so long, this is practically kindergarten work! After my first period I started looking around for my second, it took my less time then the first, that period started shortly after, that history class was a peace of cake! I then headed to my third, I ran around, not being able to find it, I started panicking, not knowing if I'll be able to find it on time. Thankfully, I made it before I was late, I almost fell on the way in. Luckily that classes teacher was pretty chill, and oh so sweet! So far the teachers I had met are alright! The students aren't that nice tho...during this period I had dropped my pencil and it rolled under someone's desk, I asked them if they could get it for me, but they just ignored me... so I had to get it myself. After that class ended I left for my fourth, I didn't have to look around much, so I made it on time without a problem. Man, why is this so tough? I've bin bullied, barely made it to classes, and now there's a kid yelling at the teacher, they both argue as we do the assignment, it's only him a week into school for them... This school really needs some help... After my fourth period, I headed to fifth, my last period till lunch! I can't wait to see that guy again! I hope he'll be there! It's sad that I haven't seen him in any of my classes yet... I run over to fifth period, trying to get there on time, I knew we're it was this time sense I had passed by it when trying to get to my third. I head in and there was still no sign of him... I wonder if he'll be in any of my classes at all... he's the only one I really have chance with to become friends... I don't wanna be alone for the rest of the school year... I really hope he's in one of my last classes at least... Finally, after fifth period finish's, it was time for lunch! I head there as quick as possible, once I get there, I look around trying to see if I can find him! But...there's no sight of him anywhere...the only chance I get to talk to him is in home room I guess... what's even the point of trying to convince myself that he'll pop up in one of my classes... I'll never be able to be friends with him...the time in home room is not enough to get to know him anyway... I wait in the lunch room until sixth period starts, and I get there in time, I was about to sigh when my eyes had lit up brightly! HE WAS IN THIS CLASS WITH ME!!! I see him with his head down in the back of the class! The teacher notices me and calls me over to him, I hope he sits me next to him!

"What's you name?"


"Im sorry about this sarvente, but your going to have to sit next to him back there, just try not to talk to him, he's a little rude..."

💖"Oh well!"
I happily head to the back with a big smile on my face

"She sure doesn't mind him... okay then... umm let's begin class!"

💖As I pull my seat to sit, he notices me and grunts annoyed, he'll just have to get used to me! Weather he likes it or not!
"It's nice to see you again!"
Ignored me, he won't for long tho because I ain't given up! As class gos on, we are given a sheet to do the work on, it was algebra, and the teacher says it can be partner work if we struggle with a question, easy peasy for me tho! I get to the work right away, finishing it quickly without a problem. I wait until the timer is over when I look over to my side, he was struggling.
"Need help?"
He glances over at my and looks back at his paper, I guess he didn't want my help, to bad so sad for him because he's gonna get it if he likes it or not! I take a peak at his paper and saw he was struggling with the last question.
"Look it's easy! First you have to find the common multiple between the numerator and denominator!"
He looks at his paper for a few seconds and writes down a fraction.
"There you go! Next you have to divide the numerator and denominator by 3!"
He then glanced back on his paper and did what I said.
"Now divide both by 7!"
He dose it
"Now you just have to divide both by 4!"
He writes it down and figures out how to do it now
"Alright, so you aren't able to divide them anymore, so it's now the lowest term, so that's your answer!"
He circles the answer choice that he got for his answer.


💖"Now your all done! Good job!"

"I didn't need your help..."

💖"Well to bad because your always gonna get it!"


💖"Can you tell me your name now?"

"Why are you still trying?"

💖I look at him with a confused expression

"Why are you still trying to be my friend?"

💖"Well I need me some friends, and it looked like you needed some to! So I want to be your friend, and nothing will change my decision!"


💖"So can you tell me your name?"

"It's ruv..."

💖"That's a nice name!"


💖"Well ruv, I wanna see if we'll be able to talk during lunch more"

"Just because I told you my name doesn't mean that I'm gonna be your friend..."

💖"Well that sucks for you because I'm still gonna try to make you my-"
She he timer rings and the teacher gets our attention, darn! He turns away from me. I guess I'll just have to try again tomorrow, or I could try and see him at dismissal! Or tomorrow as we head to home room! Oh the endless amount of options I could do! When class finish's, I try to talk to him before he left but he had already left the second I had got out of my chair, he really doesn't wanna talk to me, sucks to be him then because I ain't stopped! My seventh period was gym, easy enough, I have a good physical form so this will be a peace of cake! After gym had finished, everyone looked tired, not me tho! I then headed to my last class of the day, and finished it proudly, I had finished my first day of school! As soon as the bell rings I get up and run out the doors, waiting to see if I can see him, no sign tho, we'll I'll just have to try again tomorrow!

—to be continued—

My pretty school boy~ (Sarvente x ruv)Where stories live. Discover now