Goals Turn Into Success

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*August 24th 2021*

You been staring at your calendar, in a week, in a week you will be far away from here. Still, you can't believe you got excepted in your dream university. All of your hard work paid off, all your ups and downs, fighting with everyone to losing your best friend Intak, the person that supported you the most about your goal. But things don't go as we planned.
Tears started rolling down your cheeks, how could you be so stupid, how could you let him go, after all you can't force a friendship.

*back story*

You and Intak may not know each other for many years but you bonded quickly. You met while walking in a dance class, your hobby since you were a child, there you met him, Intak. Intak was practicing at the corner some moves in front of the mirror, he caught your eye by how hard he tried, you sit close to him doing the same. Later, you saw him dance, loving his style, energy and vibe, that was it. From that day, you tried to be his friend, you started greeting each other and compliment his dancing. Later on, you got to know he was working to a cafe near your house that you go to study once exams were close, well now you were a regular. Already knowing each other, your friendship started forming. He was there for you to help you whenever you couldn't understand something, to teach you a move or two. Things went smoothly, till senior year came, the same year Intak's debut came. You kept texting but meeting was difficult, as time passed you focused on your studies and he was focused on his idol life. You drifted apart, you stopped answering, you left him, he tried but it wasn't the same. It's not gonna be the same even if we try again.

*August 30th, 23:37*

1 day before i go...
Waiting for time to go by, waiting for 12 am to come, waiting for his birthday, waiting for him to come here. I texted him, i need to sort things out with him, with myself. I thought about it, i can't leave without taking to him, thank him.


You saw him coming from afar towards you, the familiar bench near the cafe he used to work. "Hi" awkwardly voiced by both of you, staring at the floor, not daring to fave each other, silence was loud. "So, how have you been?" you asked, "Y/n that ain't the reason you called me out at this time, get to the point" he answered wanting to sound cold than hurt. You looked down again, biting your bottom lip from the nervousness. " Please, listen to me before i go, im sorry!.", he looked at you confused. "I'm leaving to study fashion design in New York.", you look up and continue, "I'm thankful for everything, all the support you gave me, all the moments you were by my side, even if things didn't turn out as i wanted them with you", "Why didn't you text me? I was waiting for your texts, before my performances, after, i was in a hard place but all i needed was you, why?" , he said with pain on his voice. "I was selfish, i wanted to forget about you, i needed to focus on my studies, thinking that you would distracted me, you, the only one i needed actually, i left you, im sorry, im really sorry, i thought my feelings would be in the middle, so d@mn selfish", you said sobbing. Continuing, "I need to go, I'm leaving tomorrow, i wanted to let everything go, it wasn't your fault, it was me. I know that we can't be like we were but know that i have been supporting you from the start, i admire you so much, keep up" you smiled at him, still crying. He did the same, "we will meet again, text me when you land to new york!!" he said at last. Farewell to your loved one. "Happy 18th birthday Intak".

*2years later*

You were working for a magazine as a stylist, today's clients p1harmony!! You and Intak texted once in a while in those 2 years after you left. You weren't like you used to but you both are good, you got to know the members as well, it's your first time meeting. You go to work and greet the members and the staff, you start dressing them keeping it professionally! It was Intak's turn, you chatted about how things were going and staff, until he told you about fnc searching about a new stylist... *skip to after the photoshoot* You said your goodbyes to the members and that you would see them back in Korea, yeah you applied for the stylist position after they convinced you to do. (who could say no?)
You are starting as their new stylist in September!! Good luck!!!

The end (i didn't know how to end it)

Listen before i go, I'm sorry Intak. HWANG INTAK P1HARMONY! Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz