(Antz) Colonel Cutter x Winged Ant reader

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Colonel Cutter carries himself with such masculine grace that it makes your antennae shiver with delight just by seeing him pass by. You loved that he had wings like you. Only you were smaller than the very tall Cutter. He towered over you every time he stood in front of you. You stiffened as he'd come over to examine your form when all soldiers were told to stand at ready. You weren't exactly fit for the soldier job, Cutter noticed this, all were you was a nervous wreck, but also a winged ant like him, beautifully fragile. Just the way he liked his females.

And that's how you guys met, he was the colonel, you were a private. You didn't notice it right away, but Cutter thought of you more and more, thinking you were the most precious thing he'd laid eyes on. There was a problem though: you guys were both pretty quiet. You were more quiet than him since he was a colonel, he had to be louder. So he just waited for an opportunity, you never expected it.

The 5th battalion was doing exercises, running in the spot, push ups, crawling, etc. Then the relay started, you were falling behind after a while, putting up a pretty good effort. You were embarrassed when you were the first to slow down in the relay, exhausted, it would've been better if you could've used your wings. But it was an unfair advantage. You thought it was ridiculous, so you used them anyways, beating the other team. The other team complained that you cheated. You justified saying that in war, there will always be cheating. You got infuriated saying that this exercise was stupid, and you flew away defiantly. The instructor didn't have wings so he couldn't catch you.

But then suddenly you ran into Cutter, who was doing much better and more war-like activities with his battalion.

"Y/N." Cutter caught you, lurking about.

"Oh no." You panicked to yourself.

Cutter left his battalion while they continued exercises, marching up towards you.

"Aren't you supposed to be training with the other privates?" Cutter hinted, still carrying himself up with a soldier's posture.

"No, sir." You lied as bluntly as possible.

"On who's authority?" Cutter pressed, leaning his side towards you.

"I don't know." You tended to make responses without thinking. You were slow and stubborn that way. Cutter gave a disappointed exhale, looked up a hole in the anthill, and noticed it was becoming dusk.

"Oh, would you look at the time." Cutter announced mostly to himself. He left you for a moment, dismissing his troops while you slyly tried to sneak away. Among the commotion, Cutter went after you, taking hood of one of your arms.

"And you, Y/N, are coming with me." Cutter murmured. Your whole form drooped, defeated.

The sky darkened, and scouts were sent on nightly scouting duty in order to search for potential intruders. The Colonel shuffled you along the crowds of soldiers and workers, however you both stood out, both being Alates. You finally made it to Cutter's office, you slumped shyly on a small stone, as Cutter took his seat across from you. There was an awkward silence, you refused to look up or speak first.

"Do you know why you're here, Y/N?" The Colonel interrogated first. You did nothing in response, clenching your mouth shut stubbornly. Cutter leaned in, sighing, thinking of something smart to say, perhaps something that would make you more comfortable.

"Don't worry, don't let me intimidate you, Y/N. I don't bite." He attempted to reassure you. It only seemed to make you more flustered.

"I know it's a stupid rule, not to use your wings, which are your birthright." Cutter pried at what you may be thinking. You glanced up at him for a moment, then took your eyes off, seeing how intensely he was looking at you.

"I am uncomfortable." You finally spoke up.

"Yes, uh, I can tell." Cutter was a bit taken aback by your response. "Can you... elaborate?" Cutter asked, not losing his patience or breaking his calm demeanour.

"Because..." You hesitated for a moment, feeling like a fool for what you were about to say.

"Because...?" Cutter helped you with your response, unknowingly.

"Because you look at me a lot." You sputtered. Cutter's eyes widened.

"Wh- when do I look at you?" Cutter was becoming curious, leaning forwards against his rock table attentively.

"Erm... whenever you pass by me or when I'm in a crowd of other soldiers." You recalled.

There was this one time where General Mandible was giving a speech to the battalions, and Cutter was there beside him, his eyes directly trained on you in the crowd.

"It's like you wanna kill me, or something." You piped up a bit louder. Cutter facepalmed himself for that . He meant to give you a warm look, not a death stare. Well that was really one of the only facial expressions he could make.

"I don't stare at you because I dislike you, Y/N. I..." He cut himself off, clearing his throat.

"Is it because I have wings, like you, sir?" You started to connect the dots, you felt more confident to raise your head a little.

"Mm, that's part of it." Cutter muttered, impressed that you were able to figure that out.

"And is there another reason?" You bombarded him with questions, making sure he would forget about catching you abandoning training.

"Its because you're... special. And incredibly stubborn." Cutter snapped, you jerked with fear. "Then again..." Cutter reflected, leaning away from you. "You're small, and a little slow..." He couldn't bear talking away anymore. You were right there, in front of him! His little soldier, so quiet and beautiful. Cutter got up, advancing towards you.

"Sir, what are you doing?" You started, Cutter took your arm and stood you up, so you stood on your rock seat. He took your hands in his and kneeled down on one knee, gazing up at you.

"Y/N, never have I met such a smart, gentle, and beautiful ant such as yourself."

"Sir?" You were shocked at what he was saying, Colonel Cutter himself was saying this stuff, to you!"

"You're not just another soldier to me, darling. And I will leave you with this choice... will you marry me?"

You nearly fell off your rock if it wasn't for Cutter leaning in to catch you.

"And to think I was in trouble!" You proclaimed as he waited for your answer patiently. "Yes, yes! This is way better than getting in trouble! I will marry you, sir!" You replied, practically swooning over him. Cutter smiled as he held you at an angle.

"Good, excellent. That was an order, by the way." Cutter teased you, giving you one of his signature death glares. You shut your mouth, wide eyed as he looked at you, dead serious. Then he chuckled, breaking the intimidating aura.

"I am only joking, darling. You can stop your fretting." Cutter calmly suggested. You blushed madly, not finding the words to respond to Cutter's sudden playfulness.

"I like how you have a certain roughness to you, sir." You opinionated rather innocently. Cutter swooped you off of your feet, carrying you in his four arms.

"It's so I can keep my little soldier safe." Cutter replied rather humbly, in a tone in which a courteous gentleman would use.

You couldn't help but offer the Colonel a soft smile in return. Cutter pressed you against his broad chest, kissing your face, and then raising one of your claws and kissing it chivalrously.

"My dear." He curtseyed.

"Sir." You responded as Cutter let you drop down from his powerful arms. He brushed past you, grazing a claw against your small wings as he took your arms in his.

"I look forward to seeing you in my regiment, my dearest Y/N." Cutter leaned you against him as he guided you along out of his office. For a tall and foreboding character, he did have a soft spot.

For you and only you.

The Ant Bully (2006) & Antz (1998) Characters x reader (oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now