How the Prince came to be

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Long ago...

There was once a Girl named Lilith and a Boy whose name was unknown to others. Their love was forbidden for one of them was a Demon and the other was an Angel. The boy would always visit Lilith on a cliff that had a beautiful view of the stars. One night they got together. And a few months later they had their first born child, he bared the name James. And 2 years later they had there second born he bared the name Liam, Liam was named after his grandfather Lucifer, and 5 years after that was the last child, she bared the name Eva.


??? POV:


I have to get to the surface before I get caught by the guards! If I get caught I'll get a death sentence for sure!!!

24 hours earlier:

"You will soon be the King of Hell! So you need to train..." The woman rolls her eyes in annoyance and then continues to talk "If you don't train you'll be a WEAK KING AND WE DO NOT NEED THAT!!!!" A boy with fair skin and dual toned eyes looks up at the woman. "Ugh... why do I have to train right at this moment Mom! It's not like I'm going to be the king of this shithole at this moment." The boy rolls his dual colored eyes then starts to speak again "Also I'll be crowned in 4 years! THATS A LONG TIME FROM NOW!!!" The woman now looking angered starts to yell. "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU WHINING!!!! Y'KNOW WHAT!!!! GO TO YOUR ROOM YOU'VE ALREADY PISSED ME OFF FOR ONE DAY!!!! GUARDS TAKE HIM TO HIS ROOM AND LOCK HIM IN THERE!!!" a whole lot of guards start rolling in and grabbing the boy by his arms and start dragging him out of the room.

"Thanks assholes I can take it from here!" The boy yells with anger and annoyance. He then slams the door. "I wish I can truly be free. Free from this hellhole. I wish I could fly. If I were able to I would finally be free." A single tear slowly falls from the boy's eye. "Hmm..." the boy smirks as he thinks of a plan to escape. "Maybe I should leave this hellhole! I have enough magic to open a portal to the surface. I just have to make sure to not get caught. My mom and the guards would kill me if I get caught." A feeling of fear goes through the boy. "What if they catch me? Will they kill me? Will my mom actually kill me? She's almost done it before... but she only cut off my angel like wings and cursed my halo. Will she actually kill me though?" The boy brushed off the fear and started to think of a good time to escape.

Present: 24 hours later:

Liam POV:
Damn I just barely made it! Phew. Now where am I? I'm in the surface world. Now what?

Third POV:

The boy hears the sound of a tree branch breaking. The boy quickly moves out of the way. "HEY!!!! THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!!!!" The boy heard someone giggle and this someone sounded like a girl, so what the boy decided to do was very stupid. "HEY! Whose there?!?!?" A voice of a girl responded "Why do you want to know?!" "You gonna kill me orrr?" "Why would I kill you?" The girl jumped down from a tree branch and scared Liam. The girl had beautiful H/C hair that was H/L. She had beautiful E/C that shimmered in the sun. Liam of course was captivated by her. The girl was shocked to see someone that she had met long before "Lucifer?" Liam was confused as hell. "I'm not Lucifer." "Oh then who are you?" "I'm his grandson, Liam." "You look a lot like him, your hair color and eye reminds me of him" "how do you know what he looks like?"

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