I was thinking of participating too. But, I had no intention of getting involved in hunting necromancers, but if I could get a 'hidden reward' here.

It would be useful in the 'Familiar Contract Ceremony' scheduled soon.

As it was purely determined by one talent, it was essential for me, who didn’t have any to speak of.

I went to the Second Main Tower, found Instructor Lee Han-wol, and filled out an application to get an outing pass.

“Is it for training? Where are you doing it?"

“I’m thinking of going to get some fresh air in the Madar Mountains where nature whispers in your ears.”

"Well... You won't be able to learn swordsmanship or Knighthood from Stella."


"No, it’s nothing."

Starting from the second year, it was possible to go hunting alone, limited to Class S.

However, first graders could never go hunting alone, and areas with a Level 3 Danger or higher were prohibited unless they received permission for a 'special outing'.

Every year, there were casualties in such dangerous areas.

What if you get caught?

Minimum suspension, and maximum would be expulsion.

But well, it didn’t matter if I don’t get caught.

I was just sneaking around quietly.

Lee Hanwol read the outing application form.

I didn’t want to get caught lying. I had gone out hunting alone like this a few times before. The professors were too lazy to check, so they tended to give implicit permission.

In the midst of leisurely waiting, another outing application on his desk caught my eye.

'Isn't that an application from Mayuseong?'

I asked softly.

“There are a lot of kids out hunting these days.”

"Yes. Everyone went to Marthevis Cemetery for club activities. He must be trying to accumulate points.”

"Also. Mayuseong and Haewonryang also have high scores, but they are very diligent.”

This was just a question I asked about to confirm the scheduled future, the event that would happen.

By the way.

“… Well. It seems that Mayuseong has never been to the Marthevis Cemetery.”

"Yes? Didn't he just go to the cemetery?"

"Yeah. He cut off his outing permit to go to his 'home' for the weekend. It was Haewonryang, um. Yes. He traveled there with Edna.”

Wait, something was strange.

'They can never overcome the Necromancer's attack event without Mayuseong...?'

What kind of variable appeared so that the kid suddenly returned to his home? There were only two cases when Mayuseong could return to his hometown.

He was called by his father because of a certain event, or to train on his own.

There wouldn’t be any special events scheduled yet, and there was no reason to train right now...

Later, there was a part where Mayuseong trained after being defeated by Haewonryang, who had been thoroughly prepared, but it was too early for now.

'I am going crazy.'

I bit my lips silently and thought about it. There was no way to contact Mayuseong, who had returned to his 'home'.

I glanced at Lee Hanwol.

If a student dispatched outside informed them that they were in danger, they would surely send reinforcements. But, one had to provide solid evidence. Stella's elite magicians weren’t that idle.

'If the question of 'how did you know' starts to come in, then I'm in trouble too.’

Even in the game, there was a time when the main character Edna had a 'bad ending' the time she was cornered into a black mine and executed when she chose a specific option 'wrongly'.

She notified the mages in advance of the event.

After notifying them, they said, "How did you know?" and instead drove Edna to the Dark Magician.

In addition, it was impossible for me to provide proper information because of 'narrative power' in the first place.

There was only one way left.

'...I have no choice but to solve it myself.'

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