She remembers the hazy nights of their wanton desire underneath the sizzling neon lights and summer stars. As his fingers electrify every inch of her skin and he paints her lips with bruises of the setting sun, where she dies a hundred little deaths within his arms and the throes of their zealous passion. Bound by their luckless misfortune and a gnawing hunger for more than what their lot has to offer. He is the taste of darkest paradise and forbidden rapture, an elegy of sin and chaos. The sweetest lie that can ever exist, a beautiful disaster in the making.

( And no matter how many times she flips her hand, waiting for the next divine move to save them from their cursed fates, the outcome is always the same. There is no future in forgotten things that fade away into the rotting earth, no saving grace for forsaken ill-starred lovers abandoned by the gods. )


     He knows that the love between them is a feeble joke crafted by the spiteful gods, there is no heaven where he is allowed to enter and revel in its abundance. Restricted from even the illusion of peace, condemned to wander without a purpose. There is none other that can compare to her, as the moon can only look at the sun with longing. She will always be the one his unwilling feet will return to, through all the carnage and death that surrounds him. No matter the distance and resentment held between them, even as the world collapses around them, he will always be hers as she is his before anyone else.

( And no matter how many times she plunges her knife into his heart, he will always think of her as the fondest memory he has ever had. Where every time he closes his eyes, she will be the first thought that crosses his mind. Though fleeting but ever present still, like a bitter pill that he swallows so willingly. )

"Suddenly they realised that what they were regretting was not the lost past but the lost future, not what had not been but what would never be."

T H I N K I N G   O F   Y O U
is a poison i drink often

T H I N K I N G   O F   Y O Uis a poison i drink often

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