i. eoraptors

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SAMANTHA GRADY sat on a chair, chin in hand, elbow propped up against the table as she read her 'Amazing Guide to the Dino' book she had got as a birthday gift last year.

Her wavy brown hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail, a few waves sprung free and draped over her face, a few behind her ears. Her green eyes examined every word of the book, gaining new knowledge as she read the book for around the tenth time.

She jerked her head up as she read a really interesting piece, so interesting she had to share. "Dad! Did you know, Eoraptors is one of the earliest known saurischians dinosaurs!" She said a smile on her face.

Owen who sat across from her, chuckled at her excitement, he was also pretty confused on how she was even able to pronounce these words. "Oh really? Let me see." He said, using this as a chance to take the book away from her so she could be at her breakfast.

She handed him the book, her smile fading when he tightly shut it. "What— Dad!" She said reaching to grab her book back, which Owen was quick to snatch back.

"You can have it back once you're done eating, I can't be late for work today." He told her, setting the book on the counter behind him.

She huffed. "But I need to read more about Eoraptors!" She pouted.

"You've read it ten times! Plus, I don't think you can read about the Eoraptor if you've died from starvation, so eat up." He said gesturing his fork towards her food.

She huffed again, picking up her fork scooping up a forkful of scrambled eggs, and stuffing them in her mouth. Owen watched her, he furrowed his brows, as she quickly scarfed down her eggs. "Okay, slow down—"

"I'm done!" She said setting the fork down with a cling. She stood up and grabbed her book from the counter.

He looked down as she walked, noticing her shoes were not on yet. "Put on your shoes, I can't—"

"—can't be late to work, I know." She finished for him, walking off.

OWEN GRADY walked with his daughter to the small HQ where Owen made Sam hang out while he did dangerous work, or just work with the raptors. It was just a shack-like place where the janitors stored brooms and cleaning supplies. He didn't need a distraction while he was trying to focus on the dinosaurs, she was usually good, but still.

It wasn't like she was alone or anything, there was another kid, Nickolas Sprout. He was a year older than Sam. His mom worked with the computers and tracking all the dinosaurs, which wasn't dangerous but he was way too loud to be in there so his mom just threw him on with Sam.

"It's boring in there." She moped.

Owen didn't even bat an eye at her as she spoke, not in a mean way, more of I don't feel like dealing with your crap today way. "Well, you'll be in there thirty minutes max, and I will get you and we can hang out all day." He said, adding fake enthusiasm at the end.

She sighed and looked up at him. "Or you can just leave me home..."

"You nine, so no, and don't you have that one kid to talk to? So stop complaining." He told her.

She scoffed. "Hey, I told you after you scared off your babysitter, that you can't complain now that you have to come to work with me, and you said okay." He scolded her, as they approached the door to the glorified janitor's closet.

She huffed. "Whatever." She said, opening the door and stepping in.

"Thirty minutes, call me if you need anything."He told her, waving to her as she began to shut the door.

She slouched as she walked over to a tacky bean bag chair that one of the janitors put in for Sam and Nickolas to sit on when they were forced to be in there and she plopped down. She could see Nick laser-focused on a game he was playing on his Nintendo 3DS.

She didn't even bother to talk to him. She grabbed her red backpack off of her back plopped it in front of her and pulled out her book that she began to read.

It wasn't like this place was uncomfortable or anything, it had air conditioning and bean bag chairs, and it smelled like lemon window cleaner. It was just boring, especially for Sam since she knew there were dinosaurs she could be looking at outside of their little room.

"Ah, shit!" Sam heard Nickolas curse, as he slammed her DS to his lap after around twenty minutes of silence. It was obvious he got killed in his game or something.

Sam didn't react to it, Nick must've noticed because he began to start a conversation with her. "You always read that book," Nick said.

"Yeah, I know." She said, not looking at him.

He stood up and sat his DS on his chair before he walked over towards her. "Well it's interesting, can I see it?" He said, giving her grabby hands as he reached down for the book.

"No." She said, looking up at him.

Nick backed up and plopped himself back on his beanbag chair. "Fine." He said with a frown.

"Did they let you name a dinosaur?" Nick asked, changing the subject.

She closed her book, setting it on her lap. "Yeah, Barry let me name the name brachiosaurus Edward." She said, a smirk growing on her face.

"What! Lucky! I swear you're Barry's favorite." Nick said, crossing his arms.

Before Sam could say anything else they heard the sound of the door opening. They both turned to look at the door to see Nick's mom standing in the doorway. "Come along, Nickolas, your father told me to come and get you as well Sam." The mother told them.

They both silently cheered as they gathered their things. As they walked with Nick's mom, she spoke. "You know Sam, your father was in the raptor cage." She said.




anyways sam is so cute

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