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I am writing this as a birthday present for my epic frouple, Jabera. You all know her by know: my best friend, sister, the future world leader who will do the politics while I violently smash all racists on this world-I mean, while I uh dump them on a private island which I then intend to blow away-uhhhhh let's just forget I said that.

Y'all probably thought I was going to give a long, heart-felt dedication right?

Well, I suck at that. But I sure will try to write something worthy.
You see, ever since Jabera came into my life there have been only good things coming. Well, not only-but you get my point. The day I first met her wasn't all rainbows and cats, no-it was a very dark day for me. I had just experienced loss.
I'd lost people before, but never a friend.
Or so I thought.
On this sad day of mourning I got a message from Jabera, who was also a friend of my friend's-and not to dwell in this much, we later found out our friend wasn't dead, but some ducking desgraciada hija de la verdura-*lots of beeps*-hacked her account to make us believe so.
We engaged on the epic task of getting our friend back in Wattpad, and I later decided to read Jabera's books. I was unsure about it as first, because I didn't know if my catholic self could read a muslim story, but decided why the hen not and read and read and read...

... next thing I know, I have spammed all her books with comments: freaking out, fangirling, trying to figure out the misteries, coming up with wild theories, shipping it, yelling in spanish; this is what Jabera came to find the next time she logged into Wattpad.

And so my friends is that she and I became frouples, she replied to my hardcore commenting, I replied back, and a beautiful, evil, world-dominating friendship evolved (*cue the evil laugh*).

Ever since that day and thanks to her I've met fabulous, epic, shamazing people, and for all the epicness she brought into my life I bring her this.



VIRTUAL PRESENTS! (I have no money this is all you're getting) *THROWS COOKIE*

So y'all better go wish her a happy birthday, else I'll ki-I mean what, let's go on to the story.

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