Chapter 1: Friendly Fire

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AN: Hihi! Welcome to this little miniseries! I'm so excited to share this with all my prowlerbyte munchkins. Updates will come every Tuesday and there will be about 5 chapters. I hope you enjoy!


The teacher passed out the scored tests to the class. Margo scrambled to pick it up as it landed on her desk. "Ha!" She exclaimed. She turned around and dangled the test in the face of the person sitting behind her: Miles G. Morales, her academic rival. "I got a 97!" She said, smugly.

Miles nodded. "Oh, that's a really good grade..." He grinned and showed her his test. "But, it's not good enough."

He got a 100.

Margo's mouth dropped as she snatched Miles' test out of his hands. She compared his answers to hers, seeing where she made mistakes. "There's no way." She said, shaking her head.

Miles laughed, taking his test back. "You lost! Better luck next time, nerd."

Margo glared at him as he sauntered out of the classroom. She didn't understand, how could he be better than her? Margo Kess took the best notes, asked the best questions, and hasn't missed a day of class since she got pneumonia in 3rd grade. Miles never tried and always slept through class, but yet he stayed on her tail as one of the top students in her class. She's hated him all year since he ranked first academically during their midterm benchmarks.

And Miles hated Margo right back.

But no one could deny the tension between them.

An annoyed Margo marched out of the classroom and to her locker. She shoved the test inside and slammed the door shut. 'I can't believe Miles got a 100!' She thought. 'That's impossible!'

She glared at him across the hallway, where he was standing at his locker. Miles was whistling a tune while putting his things away. He noticed Margo glaring at him from across the hall and rolled his eyes.

"Need something?" He asked, walking towards her.

Margo narrowed her eyes at him. "How did you get a perfect score? On the quiz we took two weeks ago, you got a 90. There's no way you could improve that fast."

Miles rolled his eyes, again. "Does it matter? Your grade is trash compared to mine." Miles started to walk off but paused, glancing at her. "Besides, it was easy ." He finally walked away, clearly bored of the topic.

Margo scoffed, her face heating up with anger and stormed off to the library. 'I have to make sure I do perfect on the next test.' She thought to herself. 'I'm going to study my ass off. I can't let Miles beat me.'


Margo had spent the next two hours after school in the library. She felt like a mad scientist with her papers scattered all over her table, vigorously writing. She noticed Miles walk in, but decided to ignore him, staying hunched over her work.

As soon as he walked in, his eyes immediately went to her. He thought that it was weird that Margo was in there so late, but he decided to try something out anyway. He sat down at the table across from her and started humming a random tune loudly, obviously trying to annoy her.

Margo lifted her eyes towards him and gave the meanest glare she could possibly muster. She turned her attention back to her studying. 'I cannot let him ruin my focus.' She thought.

Miles laughed at her expression and looked her up and down before he smiled.

"You're cute when you're focused." He teased. He looked genuinely amused. He turned up his humming slightly. It was louder than before, and harder to ignore.

Margo snapped her head up. "Yeah? And you're cute when you're quiet! " She shot back, turning her focus back to her work.

Miles smirked at her comment and continued to hum. He glanced over at Margo's papers, seeing all the writing that covered the pages. "Don't you think that's a bit excessive?" He commented. He still kept up with his humming.

Margo frowned at him. "Don't you think you should leave me alone?" She pressed.

Suddenly, Miles stopped humming and stared at her. He tilted his head to the side.

"What if I don't want to?" He grinned.

"Too bad." Margo countered. "I'm trying to study. So go, leave me alone."

Miles didn't say anything else. He stood up from his seat and approached Margo on the other side of the table. He leaned over her shoulder and pointed to a question from the test that she had written on her paper.

"Wrong." He sighed.

Margo took a deep breath and looked up at him. "Excuse me?"

Miles ignored her and flipped to another question. He picked up a stray pen on the table and circled the correct answer.

"Wrong, again." He sighed and continued to flip through Margo's paper, correcting every wrong answer she had just put.

Margo quickly grabbed the paper from him. "Stop that! My answers are right."

Miles snatched the paper back from her and held it out of her reach. He continued to look through her answers before he handed it back to her. "Your answers are wrong. Every single one of them." He replied. He kept a straight face.

Margo looked at him, trying her best to keep her expression leveled. "I know what you're doing, Miles. You're trying to get in my head and make me fail. But, guess what?" Margo stood up from her chair and leaned in close to him, so she was right in Miles' face.

"I'm not going to give you that satisfaction. Okay?"

Miles was caught off guard from Margo being so close. He looked at her for a moment before he smiled.

"Is that so?" He said. His voice became much flirtier. He stepped closer towards Margo, still grinning with her papers in his hand.

Margo ignored the change in his tone, her eyes still on his. "Yes, that is so."

Miles got closer, so that their noses were almost touching. He smiled wider. "Why should I listen to you, pretty girl?" He said, still teasing.

Margo smirked, realizing the approach he was trying to take. "Because, you're too busy trying to distract me. But just wait, Miles Morales. I will get back on top. And you will be so sorry, you'll wish that you never tried to mess with me." Margo snatched her paper out of Miles's hand and shoved them in her bag. She stormed out of the library, not sparing Miles another glance.

Miles rolled his eyes and sat down at the empty table. He whistled a tune as Margo walked away, his smirk turning into a smile as he thought about her last remark.

Miles had a feeling that Margo was up to something, he just didn't know what it was yet. But it didn't matter. He had an even better one.

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