"What else am I meant to say?" Regulus replied, "He's just lying there unconscious. Practically dead. I'm not just sitting here, waiting for a dead man to walk."

"He's not dead!" Severus yelled, "He's- He's not-"

Lucius had to get up, "That's enough. Severus, Regulus, take this outside or shut up. And I agree that we should leave, but he's alive. He's going to be okay, and that's good."

I got up, and held Regulus' hand. He let go whilst turning around and hugged me tight.

"This is hard on you, I get it, I really do." I said, "Let's just go, and I think Frank and I should talk to McGonagall."

Frank got up and wrapped an arm around Lucius, "Yeah. Also, someone needs to find Evan."

Pete stood up, and tucked Barty in.

We all left and split up. Frank and I went to McGonagall's office, and the rest went to the Slytherin to find the 'Marauders Map'. We really needed to change that.

Frank knocked on McGonagall's door, and she let us enter. She was sitting there reading a book.

"Hello, Mr. Longbottom and Mr. Lupin. To what do I owe the pleasure of you two being here?"

Frank let me speak, "Uh, we had a weird interaction with Madame Pomfrey."

"What do you mean?" She asked, whilst putting her book down.

Frank still stayed silent.

I scratched my head, trying to think of the best way to explain it, "She was trying to force us to explain what happened? She was demanding that Frank and I should tell her what happened earlier, even though we had already told you and her. And even when we said to ask you, she refused to go to you. And then when we walked away, she came up and asked for Evan, despite him being traumatised by his boyfriend being in a near-death state."

McGonagall looked concerned, "Why would she have done that? I asked her not to question or ask Evan anything. I'll look into it, boys."

Frank now spoke up, "What I don't understand is that she knew what had happened, had treated both Barty and Sirius, and so definitely knew what curses had been placed. With the previous information, she could have filled out the blanks in her memory. And, even then, why did she need to know what happened?"

McGonagall nodded, "Yes, I fully agree, Mr. Longbottom. I shall see from her perspective what happened, and that will be done today, latest tomorrow. I don't think there is much else you boys can do. Thank you for informing me."

We thanked her, and walked out, stressing about it all. Frank and I were walking in silence to the dungeons, ready to meet everyone else. We were hurrying to the common room as classes were being let out in a few minutes. And, luckily, we were pretty close to the dungeons.

"Remus John Lupin!" I heard a voice yell from behind me.

I spun around, "Lily?"

She came storming up to me, "What the fuck have you done?"

"What are you on about Lils?" I asked back, quite calmly surprisingly.

She pushed me back in the chest, "Leaving Gryffindor for no reason, lying about James and then beating Sirius! What the fuck?!"

"Hey hey, lets not do this, my hips bad-"

"I don't care about your hip! Explain yourself this instant!"

"Wow, Lils, just wow. I was going to suggest we sit down and talk about this."


I sat on the floor, "Yeah."

Monster // Dark RemusWhere stories live. Discover now