Chapter 2 jaime gets sick

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Act like Jaime is sick in this picture oh and one more thing it's pronounce High-May Ray-Ezz

Narrator: all of the sudden jaime had gotten sick from something was it a flu or a cold the scarab had to warn Jaime about this virus he has. Ugh~~ said Jaime I feel ill he said back again, the scarab couldn't really do anything except pulling out weapons and gearing up that's about all. Once Jaime gotten up his body felt so weak and he was sweating from sweat. Then Jaime gagged and goes into his bathroom to puke into the toilet. Ugh~~~ worst day ever to get sick,
Said Jaime, once again jaime flushed the toilet and walked into the kitchen to makes himself food. Nightwing and beast boy were playing with each other since nightwing never played with anyone before he was the only child that his parents have he was lucky to have a family to be with. They soon didn't realize that Jaime was down here and heard a (thud). Jaime?? Said Gar and nightwing, the two stop playing and sees jaime pass out on the ground near the corner of the fridge, Jaime!! The two shouted, the scarab looks very worried about his partner pass out on the ground. "Gar take him to the infirmary" said night wing. Yea I got it said beast boy even though he looked worried also but he had to stay strong. While beast boy took Jaimie to the infirmary, while night gets everything ready to help Jaimie.

In the infirmary with beast boy, jaime & nightwing

Once they got into infirmary jaime was burning up. What would Batman do? Asked night-wing, soon gar change back into his human form looking worried for his brother figured, hmm oh I know he said to himself gar get the crew we are gonna take care of Jaime. Gar nodded and changed into dog and went to get his mother/siblings figure. So Garfield went to find starfire. Then Star looked at Garfield. She knew right way what's happening. Next Garfield went to looked for raven she was sleeping in her room Beast boy smiled and tucks her in not wanted to disturb her sleep then he close the door softly. Later on beast went to go find Robin he was training. Beast boy what's up? Said robin. Beast boy rolled his eyes and left to go into the infirmary. Robin had stopped his training. Oh... he said again. Beast boy looks very worried he was already in his beetle form which it was green same with his animal shape shifting. Jaime was sweating badly the sickness wasn't going down. Help me get his shirt off to cool off the sweat said night wing. Beast boy and night took of Jaime shirt off to cool down. The scarab was trying its best to use his wings to cool off also lucky it was working slowly. Raven get me the fever reducer. Robin go and get me as base and cold washcloth for Jaime said star fire raven and robin nodded and did as told. On the other hand beast boy was concerned and worried,
He will be okay Gar said star fire beast boy nodded. Even though he and blue beetle are like brothers/best friends towards each other.

Once raven and robin came back. The scarab grab the things that Jaime needed.

Scarab: thank you everyone for taking care us I may or may not like you since I haven't gotten use to others in my time I will accept a few people near us.

Everyone nodded. Then Jaime sighed once again, feeling relieved that his temperature was down. Thankfully the scarab knows how to hide it's own secrets from everyone but Jaime will find it later.

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