Zap's introduction

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(Short like my ego)

(To verify this is years after Alister was 'killed')

Zap was sitting on their tiled floor with their legs curled on to their chest with their arms wrapped around them, their chin was leaning on their knees as they emptily stared at their broken phone, They had accidents shattered the screen a few hours ago and didn't want to tell anyone in fear of the repercussions. Zap glared at the phone and poked the one button letting the shattered screen light up with their lock screen, They picked up the phone but felt a heavy feeling in their chest as they forced their stiff neck to glance up in front of them. Nothing was there as they should have expected, The feeling however didn't leave. Thinking it was their dumb body having an emotional breakdown they brought their focus back to their phone, They throw the phone out of their hands towards their wooden dressing completely destroying the electronic as they had see a blood red eye staring at them from the shattered screen, Zap's breathing was uneven as they pressed their back harder against their bed frame not letting their eyes leave the shattered phone with glass shards surrounding its useless form.

A tsk'ing noise was heard from above them as some uneven butchered hair filled their vision, Zap tilted their head up and saw a young child smirking down at them, they looked around eleven but Zap couldn't be sure, The child was sitting on Zap's bed leaning over the edge overtop of them.

"That was a little rude, don'tcha think?" The child hummed as they gestured to the phone on the floor, Zap felt their vision go hazy and blurry when they looked at the child, but when they looked elsewhere it was normal. The child almost looked like they had an overlay effect over them. Zap scooted away from the child who suddenly appeared in their room and glanced at their closed door hoping no one would enter, The child waved their hand impatiently obstructing Zap's field of view.

"How did you get into my room...?" Zap hesitantly spoke in a whisper not wanting anyone who would still be awake at this time to hear, The child seemed unconcerned about their surroundings as they spoke in a someway raised tone.

"Not important new friend!" The child pressed something connected to their earring and suddenly they looked identical to the age of Zap with their own unique appearance qualities, They had different clothes and had both arms exposed with tattoos, Their hair was roughly the same if anything more neat instead of the butchered attempt with scissors in a bathroom. Their ripped jeans tucked into their converse which were making Zap's bedsheet messy and dirty from the dirt on the sole of the worn shoes. "Name's Alister!"

Zap stood up slowly and walked towards the now teen, They poked them teasing I'd they were real or part of their imagination, Zap inwardly flinched when their hand made connect with the soils chest of the teen, Alister frowned at Zap confused and poked them back in the same spot, Zap let out a breathy laugh then took a step back looking over Alister, The teen in question grumbled and stood up placing their hands on Zap's shoulder staring deep into their eyes with their heterochromic ones, their pupils were bright white like a camera flash would react to an animals eyes. Zap didn't bother pushing the teen away as they were somewhat touched starved and if this mysterious teen hadn't killed them yet they don't think they will.

"I'm Zap..." Alister grinned and released Zap from their gentle hold, Aap was confused before They suddenly felt themself become light and as if they were plunged in an ice cold bath, Zap opened their eyes to an empty dark void. The darkness was so thick they couldn't see their hands in front of their face or at least they hoped they were able to move their limbs and weren't feeling the phantom effect. Zap felt themself being dragged somewhere and a bright red light coated their body as the same child from before glanced back at them before continuing on their journey, Zap couldn't feel themself breathing in whatever this void was until they were again plunged in light again.

They gasped as they fell to their numb knees onto the dirt below them, The child was again a teen and looked completely normal as they watched Zap gather their bearings.

"What. The. Fuck. Just. Happened." Zap demanded as they fisted the dirt below them getting I under their nails, Alister pursed their lips and tilted their head to the side before devilishly smirking and crouched down in front of Zap.

"You friend, just traveled to another reality."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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