𝟏𝟒. game 1 (boys)

Start from the beginning

"What the fuck?" Cam questions, pointing at the couple who continues to walk away. "Okay well both of them aren't playing this weekend. Say goodbye to your guys favourite players."

It was two days till game day, they were all at spooky nook practicing. Zeddy arrived with McPlay GT (guys idk his actual name). 

"We here baby!" Zeddy yelled and then rocked his hips in circles. Vienna stopped bouncing her basketball to laugh at him.

Zeddy goes over to Cam, hugging him. He goes to every guy, hugging them and then he went to Lavar.

Zeddy hugged him but when Lavar was hugging McPlay GT,  Zeddy grabbed his arm and tried to pull him. "Come here!" He yelled, pointing to the spot beside him.

Lavar got scared, standing straight. Zeddy wrapped his arm around Lavar, smiling. "How you doing my boy? It's been a long time."

"Yeah, it's been a minute."

"Lavar Morant. We gonna call you that this weekend. Fuck whatever Cam said, I'm the head coach." They both started going crazy and Vienna stares at them with concern. "Now where the fuck is my favourite at?"

"I'm right here?" Lavar furrowed his eyebrows.

Zeddy looked him up and down, kissing his teeth. "Motherfucker, I didn't mean yo ass. I mean Vienna Anderson, where she at?"

Lavar drops his head down, pointing to the direction where Vienna was shooting around with Hailey and Enid.

"Vienna!" Zeddy screamed and Vienna turned around with a terrified look as he ran towards her. He picked her up and spun her around. "Been too long!"

He faked sobbed, shaking her head and Vienna's eyes just widened before she laughed a little. "Yeah, been too long." She agreed with him.

"Where's your boyfriend at?"

"Bro, I don't even know. He's with Isiah or something." She shrugged her shoulders, shooting a three.

"BOOM!" Zeddy yelled and then turned Vienna around to face him. He whispers to her, "We finna see that this week, right?"

"You know it."

"That's what I like to hear!" He dapped her up and Vienna goes back to shooting until she heard yelling.

She turned around to see Nelson and Isiah running down to the court. "We back! We back!" Isiah yelled and then hugged Zeddy.

Nelson made eye contact with Vienna, telling her to come over and she walks up to him. He wrapped an arm around her, Isiah beside her.

"The trio's back ya'll. The fucking triple threat!" Isiah exclaims, also wrapping her arms around her. She was squished in between the two boys, pressing her lips into a thin line.

They let Vienna go back to shooting but Nelson rebound for her. "Damn, Vee, your shots are getting better. 5 three's in a row is crazy." He exclaims, passing her the ball.

"Thanks!" She smiled, shooting the ball and it goes in. "That's six."

Two girls came into the spooky nook gym to shoot around and they immediately started freaking out when they saw the RWE team, more specifically Nelson.

They went up to him, asking him for a picture. Nelson looks over to Vienna for permission, she was confused on why he would ask for permission, it's his decision and not her's.

She nodded anyways and he posed for the photo. The camera goes over to Vienna and Ray asks her a question, "Are you jealous?"

She looked up at him in confusion. "Why would I be jealous? He's literally my boyfriend."

𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄  , nelson neumann²Where stories live. Discover now