The two siblings playfully blew kisses to one another from the opposite sides of the sofa, laughing as Lando released a whine, pushing her shoulder, making her body nearly fall off the sofa.

"Don't be jealous, Lando!"

Carlos Sainz chuckled as he sat on the other side of Ocean, loving how his team mate was jealous of the love and attention that Charles was getting from his sister.

"But I'm right here!" Lando laughed, frowning as he tried to act as if he was sad, knowing that his sister would then cheer him up.

Ocean giggled as she once again playfully blew kisses, this time to the Norris boy, seeing his fake frown switch in to the largest grin that he could possibly do.

The group of Alex, Ocean, George, Charles, Lando and Carlos were surprised by a sudden knock on the door, making Carlos drop the bowl of fried rice all over his lap, making his team mate and the girl inbetween them, laugh loudly.

George shot up to see who it was at the door, and two new voices made Ocean turn her head towards the door.

"Hey guys, we brought alcohol."

Pierre Gasly and Max Verstappen smiled as they raised their hands which contained bags, full with glass bottles containing alcohol.

"Did you get beer?"

Alex questioned as the two new arrivals sat at his sofa, with the Verstappen man taking his place inbetween Lando and Ocean.

"We did and Pierre chose some wine for Ocean." Max smiled, unloading the multiple bottles on to the table in front of them.

The group watched with proud smiles as Ocean leant forwards to grab a beer, gulping the entire contents of the bottle down until there was nothing left, before grabbing the bottle of wine.

"What?" Ocean giggled as she locked eyes with her brother. "I just wanted a beer before you would end up stealing them all."

Ocean poured herself a large glass of wine from the bottle, leaning backwards until her back was flat against the back of the sofa, making herself comfortable.

As the young woman took a sip from the glass, she noticed out of the corner of her eye that the Verstappen boy was glancing at her, turning her head so that she could look at him, noticing how his cheeks started to tinge pink.

"So what movie should we watch first? We do have to avoid clowns because Oce will skin us all alive if we watch them." George chuckled, glancing at his sister who pretended to scowl at him.

"You're scared of clowns?" Max questioned with intrigue, turning his entire body so that he could see her.

"She's terrified!" Lando squeaked. "We went to a Halloween maze where they had live actors and she punched the guy dressed as a clown! She only went and broke his nose!"

"It served him right for sneaking up on me!" Ocean raised one of her hands up in to the air, her voice also raising both in pitch and in volume.

"That was his job!" Alex laughed, leaning his head back so that he could release a loud wheeze.

"That's not my problem!" Ocean argued back, making the group laugh, lunging forwards to grab the remote for the television so that she could make sure that they did not watch anything that had clowns in.

Her face lit up as her eyes fell upon a TV show that she loved with her whole heart, attempting to click on it but released a yelp as the remote was snatched out of her hand.

"We are not watching Scooby Doo!"

Lando tried to skip past the TV show that his sister loved, since it was one of her guilty pleasures, but squealed once again as the girl launched herself across the sofa so that she could snatch the remote back, still tightly clutching her glass of wine.

The group of guys released a humoured laugh as they watch the two of them battle for the TV remote, with the Russell boy being the one to take advantage of the situation.

George lifted the both of his hands to push at his sisters shoulders, watching with a grin as she fell off the sofa, hitting the ground with a thud.

Max raised the both of his eyebrows in surprise as he noticed how the Walker girl had still managed to save her glass of wine, at the expense of hitting her head on the leg of the coffee table.

"Are you okay?"

Max smiled softly at the girl, offering her a hand so that she could pull herself up, of which she accepted.

The Verstappen boy watched with a proud and happy smile as he watched the rest of the girls glass of wine pour out on to the lap of the Norris boy beside him, allowing her to grab the remote from his grasp in the midst of the chaos.

"It looks like I've pissed myself!"

Lando shot up to his feet as his jeans became soaked with wine, his hands flapping around aimlessly as the coldness of the liquid hit him.

Ocean chose to hide her grin in the shoulder of the Dutch boy beside her.

The group watched with tears of laughter within their eyes as the Norris boy frantically ran towards the bathroom in order to change his trousers, the laughter following him all the way until he slammed the door closed.

Whilst he was in the bathroom, the group decided that actually watching Scooby Doo was not a bad idea, and Ocean subconsciously decided to keep her head against the shoulder of the Dutch boy, since he was actually very comfortable to lean on.

And as they all enjoyed the movie, Max's left arm began to slide around the body of the girl next to him, settling around her waist.

The two of them stayed like that for the whole night, until the Walker girl fell asleep, still nestled comfortably against Max Verstappen.



Shorter than what I wanted, but I just wanted to show you that I have not given up on this, I have completed a book that had my main focus, so I can now concentrate on the others, which include this!

I'm also living for her relationship with the twitch quartet, they're literally so cute as siblings I love it

What do you think?

Anyway, I hope that you all enjoy this chapter and I'll see you all soon for the next one,

I'm so proud of all of you, my loves

Love you all,


NOTHING IN THIS WORLD// MAX VERSTAPPENWhere stories live. Discover now