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So I ran I didn't even look back I could hear all of them calling out to me but I just can't stop.

I just need air that's all I kept repeating in my head and that all I needed right know.

I was out the gate running down the street am pretty sure am not wearing any shoe right know and I don't care.

Finally I ran out of Breath I stopped by a pole to catch my breath men I am not a fan of running.

I was finally able to catch my breath and I just realised I have no idea where I am

Like no clue am not really a fan of going out even of I do go somewhere.

I at least go with someone be it the driver Umma etc. Anyone really so I never really botherd that much.

Know I can see am wrong so I did the only wise thing I kept walking to see if they where any phone both or anything that I could use to call.

I know your wondering where my phone is well, when you having a mental break down you tend to not remember all the basic things you need or should have atleast.

So I kept walking I passed by some teenage boys that where drinking and I new I was screwed cuz they started approaching me

They kept screaming "hey" some one even said "babe"I just kept on working chanting in my head 'just ignore them and nothing will happen'.

Unfortunately as we all know luck ain't on my side and they still kept following so I decided to take a sharp turn to my left jogging at this point not to draw any attention as soon as I turned I bumped into something hard for a second I thought it was a wall.

Only to look up to come eye to eye with the most beautiful ever seen they where this icy blue reminding me of winter I know so Ironic.

Snapping out of my Dade I was still a little panicked turning around to check if they where behind me.

As I say you can never to be too safe after making sure I was safe then I remembered the guy was still their not wanting anymore drama.

I quickly apologized and I was on my was I could still feel his eyes on my back as I walked know calmer than before.


Two in a row men I deserve a gift any way hope you enjoyed this please like comment and share

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