Part 9 Chapter 2

Depuis le début

I finished eating, me and Gustav are talking and laughing. I remind him the picture that they did for me. He laughs cause I'm keeping them next to my bed.


“well im gonna leave you y/n, take care, we miss you.
-oh no! give me a hug!”
He hugs me and leaves, he smiles at me while closing the door.


“hey y/n ! Time to eat. I heard you will go out today?
-yes with Bill!
-i see you're excited!
-yes! I miss him.”
She smiles at me and leaves me.
I eat, well im feeling lonely. I can't wait to go out of this hospital, it doesn't hurt me at all! I can't wait to join the guys. I miss them.

I finished eating, now I better rest until bill comes. I feel good! I don't feel anxious. The fact that Gustav visited me this morning made my day. I'm happy.


“hello love!”
I see bill, with his cute smile.
“bill! I missed you.”
I get up to hug him.
“be careful! You need the wheelchair!
-i can stand up.
-yes maybe but if you want to go out and do some concerts, you better stay in the wheelchair, you'll stand up for the concerts.”
I nod and go into the wheelchair.
“see you later y/n!”
Oh this nurse is so kind. Hopefully she's not a betrayer like Elizabeth.
Bill brings me out and takes me to the bus avoiding the paparazzi. Fuck! They haven't got a life? That's cringe.
In the bus, Bill is cuddling me and telling me what he does with the guys.
He says that the boys miss me!


We're arrived! We are in a park. Of course this park is not famous and thank god!
He's walking and bringing me to a bench.
We're sitting on the bench and spending a good time. We're talking, laughing, cuddling and kissing.
He also gives me a cigarette, well I forced him to give me one. He didn't want to give me cause “I'm not allowed”, ughh fuck off!
We're smoking together, the weather is perfect, there is a bit of wind but this is sunny. We can hear the flies singing.
This day is really good to me.
Bill seems to be happy to spend time with me.
I'm happy as well, I want this moment to continue for days and months.


“i gotta bring you back to the hospital love..
-oh no really? That's early..
-yes I know but they gave me an hour and I have to bring you back for 4:30pm.
-i can't wait to go out of this fucking hospital.” he laughs and kisses my lips.
He brings me to the bus.
During the travel, i feel a bit tired. I put my head on his thighs and he cuddles me.


“wake up babe!
Bill brings me quickly to my room.
He spends some time with me saying goodbye. He kisses me a lot, i can't stop loving his smell.

A nurse comes.
“y/n ! You've received a letter!
-a letter? But who is it?
-hmm it's the name hum.. Let me check.
It's Cassie.
-Cassie?? Cassie who?
-Cassie y/lastname.
-but this is my sister! She's in England. How does she know? I left her and I feel so guilty cause I left her with my parents alcoholic, she was my little sister. But I had to escape from Samuel.. I even asked her to come with me but she didn't want to...”
The nurse gives me the letter and leaves.
Bill looks at me and says :
“well im leaving you for you to read this letter.
-this is so sweet, i miss her so much..
-im sure she's proud of you.
-oh.. thank you. bye bill!
-i love you”
He kisses me tenderly.
He leaves.

I open the letter.
Wow, i didn't expect my sister to send a letter... Bur something is weird, she wrote the date of when she started my letter and it's the 26th may.. It's been so long? We're in August..
“hello y/n, this is me Cassie. I missed you a lot. I saw you're a star now! I'm so proud of you! I know you feel guilty but you better don't! I want to go to Germany to see you.
I will come the 20th of June! I can't wait. I hope you're happy to see my letter.”
But.. She never came to me? Let's read it all. Wait.. The rest of the letter isn't wrote in the same writing than Cassie.
“hey y/n, this is so sad that Cassie couldn't have came to you!
I thought to continue her letter, then send it to you. Isn't it a good idea? Well, you can't send her an answer now cause she's dead. But nevermind! Cause im coming to you! Oh maybe you didn't understand who I am. Chris, christopher ditch. Remember me? Samuel's brother. I killed your pretty little sister, she's kinda sexy.”
What the hell?? She's only 15.
“well thank you for reading, hope you'll not miss her. See you! ”

My hearts beats really speedy. My breath starts to go louder. I feel like i'm dying.
I get up, I need to go out or I'll die.
i am running in the hospital. A nurse sees me. “y/n ! You should go back to your room!
-no i need Cassie! Cassie my sister.. Oh no.. She's DEAD! NO.. CASSIE SORRY”

i feel my heads turning and hurting. I feel like i'm going to fall on the floor.

Cassie.. Please, I'm sorry.

Hope you enjoyed! Thank you so much for reading. I'm trying my best to do something good.
See you! <3

Bill & MeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant