chapter 1

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"woah, woah, I need a moment  here your telling me this thing can change into anything it touches"  "correct"  "so It can turn into a pack of cigarettes"  "no It can only change into things equal size"  "like you and me"  "yeah"  "so what can this thing do"  "terminate people and its next victim is your mother"  "what, we need to get her out of there right now"  "negative even with every weapon she's not a mission priority"  "well screw you she's a priority to me" "John" "no I don't care what you say I'm going in there" *he goes in*  "mom, mom are you here, mom" "she's not here" "well where the heck is she"  "you didn't let me finish she's not here yet" *all of a sudden Hermione  runs in and spots the terminator*  "you get the heck away from me" "mom"  "no get him away from me he's going to hurt everyone" "no mom please he's here to help, mom please just calm down"  *T-1000 comes in* "we need to leave now , John grab your mother and lets go"  * he takes her hand and they run into the car* "okay what the heck is going on, what was that" " it was a terminator the T-1000, it can shapeshift into anyone it pleases" "oh my days"   "what does that mean though" "it can shapeshift into anyone you love and trap you and then it ends your life" "which is why I needed to get you out of there mom I can't lose you, not to that thing anyway" *all of a sudden they get attacked*  "start shooting,  don't worry I'll keep driving" *they start shooting for 2 mins*  "I'm out" "here mom" *he puts more bullets in it" *she starts shooting again*  "reload" *he reloads the terminator's and he starts shooting*  "John sweetie" *he reloads* "alright that was the last one , AHHA"  "John"  *he gets glass on him from the window breaking*  "alright sucker your going down no-one hurts my son and gets away with it" *she uses her powers and sends him flying*  "mom"  "sweetie are you alright"  "yeah"  *she checks him* "I said I'm alright"  "honey your bleeding your not fine"  *he looks down and spots his side bleeding*  "oh god, mom I feel sick" "Its alright honey we'll pull over soon, here drink  some water"  *he drinks the water* "mom I think the water made me feel worse"  "kid I swear to god if you puke in my car" "he won't, honey just breathe in and out it will make you feel better I promise"  *he breathes in and out* "you alright"  "for a moment yeah" "alright sweetie let us know when your going to be sick alright"  "I will". 

                                                                       end of chapter 1 

terminator 2: judgement dayWhere stories live. Discover now