Renallo: Hold on, hold on. We'll see you two fight it out this Friday, but for now, it's an interview, so let's get back on track. Ren, what are your plans for this Friday when you step inside the cell with Adam?

Me(subtitles): Well, I plan on making him suffer from all the pain I had to go through to get to this point in my career. Adam has no idea of what's coming to him and he's so high about being Champion, I don't think he understands how being a Champion is supposed to be.

Adam: I don't know what it means to be a Champion? That's coming from a dollar store Minoru Suzuki who thinks he can be just as good as anyone.

Me(subtitles): You really think I'm a dollar store Minoru Suzuki? How about you talk that way about how much of a sensitive loser you are?

Adam: I'm a loser? How come I have this belt and you don't? That's the difference between me and you because I'm gonna retain it this Friday, and you're not going to win it!

Me(subtitles): So you're trying to make this sound like you're a badass?

Adam: I try to because you're just one dimensional and no way of changing. Do you know how hard it is—

Me(subtitles): Oh, I thought you were trying to be a realist because I'm the only one who's real while you look like John Wick if he was having a bad acid trip!

Adam was shocked by this as the crowd knew I owned him with that line, but I had many more to go.

If anyone looked at his face, I bet they'd wish they'd stop looking at his giant forehead! That shit's as long as a CVS receipt if I had to return an energy drink!

Renallo: Guys, guys, guys, save it for the ring. Now, Ren, if you were to say something about this match that's in a couple days from now, what is going through your mind?

Me(subtitles): Renallo, I've been waiting for three months to come back and beat this goober's ass. Adam has been resorting to childish name-calling like, "I'm ugly" and "I don't shower". That's not making any points. What am I supposed to debunk? Actually, you know what? My sister thinks I'm adorable and so does my girlfriend, so he's wrong, factually wrong. There's nothing to debunk since he's even worse than that degenerate YouTuber Sneako, and there's no reason to try and convince me to rethink my life choices. I will admit, I did consider ending my life due to the bullying I've gotten because of my disability in the form of autism, but I'm still here because this sport makes me feel alive and I'm not going anywhere.

Adam: You not going anywhere? You were literally put on the shelf by yours truly. I did everyone a favor and took you out. Consider it a gift, Ren. You had all this weight on your shoulders and I had to do you a favor.

Me(subtitles): No no no, a favor is when you help somebody after they did something for you. Putting me in the hospital is not a favor. You're showing everyone that you're the biggest asshole walking on God's green earth. And speaking of which, I got some of that when I go home tonight, but where's yours? Oh wait, she left you, didn't she? I say good for her, it's better than sticking around with a Karen who thinks he's better than everyone else when clearly, I'm better than you since I got a better track record than you could ever have.

The fans have been enjoying this as I was just punching and punching.

Then, Adam had to hit me with this...

Adam: My girl leaving me? She didn't leave me, I left her, but I do remember the time I kicked your girl in the face, and it really brought me so much happiness, Ren, I think it was the greatest moment of my life.

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