Issue 7: Odd Training Camp

Start from the beginning

Everyone hurried towards the bus, "Kitties who don't make it by 12:30 won't get any lunch!" One of the Pussycats called out.

The class raced past Mr. Aizawa, but the other Pussycat jumped in front of the bus. She placed her paw on the ground.

Peter's spider sense warned him as the ground rose. The whole class soon was entangled in the ground and pushed them off the cliff. 

"How is this school still going if it does stuff like this?!" Peter thought as he webbed the side of the mountain, trying to slow his fall.

Sero tried to copy what he was doing as he taped Kaminari and shot his tape at the cliff-side, but he swung too hard and slammed both of them into the wall face first, quickly dropping to the ground.

The whole class landed on the ground close to him. No one seemed harmed, but they were all sprawled out on the ground.

"Hey!" One of the Pussycats yelled down from the cliff, "This is private land, so feel free to use your Quirks! You all have 3 hours to get to the facility after going through... The Beast's Forest!"

The class turned towards the forest. Large trees made it so that little light could get through and gave a creepy atmosphere.

"U.A does too much stuff like this," Jirou commented as she and the rest of her classmates got off the ground.

Kirishima was the first to get up, "We have no other choice, let's go!"

Mineta raced forward first, supposedly leading the class. The short classmate ran into the forest only to pause. A ferocious groan rang through the forest as a faceless creature roared before the small boy. The class was startled at the sudden beast that appeared in front of them. It swung its arm up high, ready to swing at Mineta. 

Peter instinctively shot a web line out and pulled Mineta out of the monster's swinging arm. Koda rushed forward trying to calm the beast down. It was obvious to Peter that this wasn't just a normal animal that lived in the forest, but he wasn't one to say anything since he was living in a world where people just got powers at age 4.

Todoroki quickly summoned ice from the ground and froze the beast's legs. Iida and Bakugo both jumped in, using their Quirks to take the limbs off the beast just before Midoriya delivered the finishing blow, annihilating the monster with one punch.

"Yep... kids are like this nowadays... just terrific..." Peter thought to himself, "If only they knew how corrupt society can be..." Peter would give a who ramble about it, but he didn't feel like it, and he didn't know if his classmates would even listen.

Heavy footsteps interrupted the class's short celebration as deep growls and other noises came from the forest.

"How many are there?" Kaminari asked as he looked up, hearing wings beating against the leaves.

"This is bad. If we don't make it to the facility by noon, we won't get lunch," Sato reminded.

Yaoyorozu was the loudest, "We have no other choice other than to get through the forest and  take the shortest route."

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement as they all got ready to strategize. Some classmates used their Quirks to locate and navigate the forest, and others got ready to fight the incoming beasts. Peter immediately began to climb to the top of the tree and looked past the woods, "The facility is that way!" He yelled, pointing in the direction of the facility. 

Yaoyorozu nodded as she began to take charge, along with Iida who immediately did what a class leader would do, lead a charge against giant earth monsters. "Focus on making us a safe trail towards the facility," Iida said to Peter, "Since you aren't familiar with us, you should go and guide us towards the facility." Peter quickly swung from the tree, using his experience of swinging through the city, he was easily able to navigate the forest. He shot web lines across trees, trying to make a path to get to the facility and keeping the monsters away from their path.

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