"Make him stop, Garth," Kergy whined as Jerald's snores got even louder, echoing through the room. "Make him stop before I resort to using my secret weapon." Garth glanced at Kergy, pillow over his head and smashed against his ears.

    "I don't think part pig, part boy blood will taste good." Kergy shrugged.

    "At least he won't squeal or snort anymore. A villain needs to be rested in order to see his target." He squinted at Garth. "I'm so tired I can barely see you, and you're, like, impossible to not spot." Garth scowled.

    "If you're mentioning-"

    "I'm not," Kergy defended, holding up his hands. "I'm just saying that girl has a thing for you. Bad boy play, huh?" Garth sat up in his bed, crossing his legs.

    "The last guy who mentioned me and her having a relationship got my knife in his heart." He patted the new blade on his makeshift belt, the sleeves of his tunic torn and braided. Kergy kept his mouth shut. "Good." Garth laid back down on his bed and kept reading, hoping dawn was on its way.

    "Can I ask you something about her? Without getting killed, preferably." Garth sat up and held the candle so he could see his roommate.

    "One word about me liking her, and you'll have a blade between your eyes." Kergy nodded.

    "Why did she become friends with you? Weren't you an Evil in the Woods Beyond?" Garth didn't say a word, the answer eluding him as well. One day, he was all alone by the tree on the hill, plotting his next trick. The very next day, Lilac was sitting there, silent at his request. Sunrise every morning from that point, she just sat there, willing to be quiet if it meant sitting beside him. One day, he had noticed a bruise on her neck and gave her the chance to speak.

    Learning she had problems like he had made her presence a little warmer. No parents, cruel peers, and teasing. They would talk about their troubles with ease. Next day, she was bringing him things, food for the most part. Once or twice he asked her why she spent time with him. She would blush and hide away in her cute fashion, but it wasn't until he asked her for the fifth or seventh time that she actually answered. She said that spending time with him and making him feel better made her own life easier to live.

    It was at that point that he really opened up, but he kept his family a secret from her. He didn't want to scare her away. She made him feel wanted and loved. The one thing he never really got. But her answer always puzzled him. The thought made his head spin. It was so simple, but she already helped dozens of people. Why care about helping him?

    "Garth?" He blinked a few times, realizing Kergy was still awaiting an answer. And Jerald was still snoring. "Do I need to repeat? Or am I getting a knife in my head?" Kergy questioned. Garth shook his head.

    "I don't really know why she befriended me. She was just...there." He glanced at the window and noticed very dim rays of sunshine. "Morning."

    "Finally," Kergy sighed. He smiled. "Who knew a vampire could be excited to see the sun."

                                                                        * * *

    When Lilac entered her room, Amanda and Isabella were just waking up. Isabella looked drowsily at her. Instantly, her eyes lit up.

    "Didn't you get any sleep? You look awful!" her friend shrieked, getting up and taking her face in her hands. Lilac smiled sheepishly.

The School for Good and Evil Prequel The Never Prince (fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now