Having a flash back from yesterday and my face gets red:"Well... I just wondered, maybe... Because we..- I mean, that.". Nice work, (Y/N)... Severus quickly inhales and puts his hands neatly in front of him:"Oh, that. Yes.". Before I can say anything, he continues:"Matter of fact, I want us to meet again. Tonight.". Little bit surprised how straightforward he is about this:"O-ouh, but I got the night shift from nine to one thirty.". "Then we'll meet after your shift. Wear something nice." he says bluntly and leaves. What?! My face gets all red:"Wh..-? Wait, what you mean by..-", he was already gone. Getting all nervous here. Did Severus just... Ask me out?!

Later that night, I'm in my night shift. All I ever have been thinking about is Severus and how he asked me out. 'Wear something nice' It did take some time to finally decide what I'm going to wear. To spear more time, I already have done my hair nicely and wear the date outfit under the long coat. Black shirt dress with sweetheart neckline, that hugs me from the right places. It's one of the fanciest things I own. At first I thought I might wear it in Remus's and Tonks's wedding, but then again - it's going to be in summer and I guess black isn't suitable enough. Can't help but keep on blushing as I walk around the castle. Only two hours to go. Wonder if he has prepared somekind of dinner for us? "There you are." familiar voice calls behind me. I turn around, little bit surprised to see my date across the hallway:"Severus?".

He approaches me with fast steps. Feeling slightly nervous:"Thought we'll meet in your classroom, after the shif..-", "There is no time." he wraps his arm around my shoulders and starts leading us away from the hallway. Huh?! Even I'm confused why we need to hurry - or how he just casually wrap his arm around me, I keep walking beside him. Maybe I'm just imagining things, but the touch of his hand around me... It feels different. Hard to explain, but there is definitely something different about it. He looks little bit too tense. Maybe he is just nervous? "Sev..- Severus, is everything alright?" I ask. No answer. He keeps looking each direction, like he's looking for something. Wonder if this has something to do with Umbridge? Then he sees the door that leads to Broom Cupboard. "There." he quickly grabs me by the wrist and heads towards the door. Getting too confused by all of this:"Broom Cupboard?! Why on earth..-", "Get in." he basically throws me into the tiny space. "Geez, talk about smoothness..." I chuckle, trying to light up the mood here.

I look around the room while he's closing the door behind him. The Broom Cupboard is way more smaller space than the potions storage room. But I guess it can be romantic, since there is moonlight coming thru the window. While looking around the tiny space, I take off the coat and put it aside:"You sure are full of surprises, Mister Sn..-", all of sudden, Severus grabs me by the shoulder, spins me around and crashes his lips into mine. HUH?! My heart drops and eyes are wide open out of shock. Severus..! A couple of brooms that were leaning against the wall falls down when part of my foot touches them, followed by the sound of wooden sticks hitting the hard stone flooring. He is holding me so tightly while kissing me. Mouth moving recklessly against mine. Hate to admit, but I'm not enjoying this. Then again, this is our first kiss, and they can be awkward. Right? Then he forces his tongue in my mouth, far too deep for my liking. "Hggnn..!" I shut my eyes tight and try to break the kiss.

He is too persistent and won't back away. I get pushed up against the wall. Being so petrified by this whole situation, I don't know what to do. The way he keeps touching me... I don't like it. Everything is so rushed and... Just doesn't feel right! It feels like the spark I thought we had isn't there. With hunger, he starts to touch and grope me from places such as the chest and the bottom. I gasp and try to pull away, face all red:"Severus!!". He pulls away, looking frustrated:"What? You need to money before hand?". What?! My hands starts to shake. Hard to comprehend what's going on:"...Money? What are yo..-", all of sudden, I see how his black hair starts to change. Huh?! Blonde hair slowly starts to show up. "You're not Severus!" I push him off of me and try to escape, but the man holds onto my arm tight and forces me to face him. "Clever girl, indeed." his voice isn't as deep anymore. Watching in shock as the man transforms into his true self. Lockhart!

Can't believe what I'm seeing:"What is the meaning of this?! Why-why are you..-", "Don't be so upset, my love. Thought you'd be happy to realize it's me, rather than that grumpy Potions Master..." he keeps holding on to my arm. Why is this happening?! "Let go of me." I demand with stern tone. "Don't you want to get your little pocket money?" he glares right into my eyes. "I'm not a hooker, if that's what you think!" I snap back. He chuckles:"Why yes, guess that's not the proper way to call someone... An artist? Perhaps?". Before I can say anything, he continues:"I've seen you, wandering around the castle. Hoping from class to another late at night. I can understand Remus and Severus, but Hagrid?". "What the hell..-?!" I rasp out.

Lockhart smirks:"I know it can be intimidating to ask a celebrity for such a thing, so I thought you'd be more comfortable with someone who has already test drived you...". "Screw you!" I spit out and try to break out from his grip, but he is too strong. "Oopsie daisy." he folds my arms in front of me, and presses his body against me, so it's hard to move my hands. Even I want to break down crying and scream, I keep brave face and stare into his eyes with hatred. He keeps shifting his eyes between mine:"Haveto admit, love... You were hard nut to crack.". Just when he is about to lean in to kiss me, I whisper under my breath:"Poor choice of words, Professor.". As hard as I can, I knee him where it hurts the most. In pain he groans and I get released. Wasting no time, I ran out of the Broom Cupboard. Lockhart quickly pulled out his wand, ready to cast the Memory Charm on me, but I was already gone. "Fuck!" he hisses.

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