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Another boring day at Litchfield. Except for those, who spend their time doing business. In a library. Exactly Carol Denning and her sidekick Frieda Berlin.

"New customers, Frieda!" Carol jumped out of her place, threw her magazine right into Frieda's face and went to do business.

Frieda was usually a calm girl. Some people were surprised by how she managed to get along with Carol. Simple. Just obey Carol Denning.

But this small thing drove her crazy. This threw her over the edge.

She took the magazine and rolled it up, waiting for these customers to leave.

Carol turned back at her, happy, with her hands full of commissary snacks. She would always trade cigarettes for jawbreakers, her favourites.

Before she could open her mouth, Frieda hit her with the magazine. Carol stood there stunned for a second, but then she realised.

"Frieda, the fuck are you doing?"

Her eyes sparked a bit of anger, but mainly, she was just confused.

"Don't throw your magazines at me, if you don't want to get hit by them."

"Give it back-" Carol reached for it, but still couldn't take it away from Frieda.

"You wish." Frieda chuckled as she enjoyed teasing Carol.

"Oh, come on, it's not like you like men in there."

"But I can use the paper for lots of other things."

"Don't you dare do anything to it!" Carol became even more aggressive. So desperate to get her magazine back.

Yesterday she "married" this man on the front page. Made a paper ring for herself, and just stuck a little piece of paper on his hand with glue.

Obviously, she cannot lose him.

Even though Carol and Frieda were about the same height, Frieda simply had a strong grip on it.

"I hate you so much, I swear to God." Carol growled, still fighting hard.

She pushed Frieda against the wall and reached for her hand. With her left hand she locked her wrist and with the right one she could finally take ahold of the magazine. Frieda's grip was still strong, but eventually she released it.

When Carol realised she finally had her magazine back, her anger faded away very quickly.

The magazine was still rolled up, so she took advantage of it and quickly smacked Frieda with it.

"Haha, I paid back." Carol laughed. Frieda got caught off guard, but quickly caught up.

"Nuh uh, you are not getting away with it." Frieda answered with a playful smile on her face, which was very rare to see.

This was about to turn into some childish game. Over a stupid magazine. But even prisoners need some fun, don't they?

Frieda pulled Carol closer to herself. Then they both fell down on the mattress, where she continued trying to take away it again.

Interestingly enough, Carol did not try to pull away from Frieda. It could've been the easiest way, but she stayed right there, on the mattress, and tried to resist Frieda.

Then an idea hit.

Carol hid the magazine under her shirt.

"Try now, Frieda!" She smirked.

"Oh, hell no," Frieda put on a fake disgusted expression and got up. "Fine, you win, Carol."

"Who could've thought that Frieda Berlin would give up so easily, huh?"

A magazine//Frieda Berlin x Carol DenningWhere stories live. Discover now