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A young girl, around the age of 15, was tirelessly removing and adding new gear, as well as making refinements to a train that was widely believed to be an irreparable machine. This machine, known as the Astral Express, was no ordinary train—it was a vessel created by the Aeon named Akivili, also known as The Trailblaze. Designed for intergalactic travel, the Astral Express was renowned for its capability to traverse the galaxy without any issue.

The girl working on this so-called "Irreparable Machine" was Himeko, a bright and determined young engineer with long, vivid red hair and striking crimson eyes. Despite her youth, Himeko's skills and dedication set her apart. She was frequently seen amidst the mechanical intricacies of the train, her hands deftly replacing gears and installing new components. Many questioned her relentless efforts to restore Akivili's creation, especially since it had been deemed beyond repair by even the most skilled engineers at the Herta Space Station, where the Astral Express had been docked after it fell into disrepair.

The Astral Express had been a marvel of engineering, capable of intergalactic travel that defied conventional limitations. However, after the fall of Akivili, the train had succumbed to the ravages of time and neglect. The once-glorious machine now stood as a testament to lost hope and forgotten dreams. Yet, Himeko saw potential where others saw only decay.

Her work was methodical and precise. She meticulously replaced rusted gears, realigned misfiring circuits, and polished the train's exterior until it gleamed. Her crimson eyes reflected a fierce determination as she soldered wires and calibrated the complex machinery. Each day brought new challenges, but Himeko faced them all with unwavering resolve.

Her passion for the Astral Express was driven by more than just a desire to restore a machine; it was fueled by a deep fascination with the stories and history embedded in its metal frame. The Astral Express was not just a train to her—it was a vessel of memories and a symbol of a bygone era of exploration and adventure.

Despite the skepticism of others, Himeko's persistence began to show results. The train, once considered a relic of the past, slowly started to regain its former glory under her care. Himeko's dedication to reviving the Astral Express was a testament to her belief in the possibility of rebirth and renewal, no matter how dire the circumstances.

The Astral Express fell into its current state after the demise of Akivili, the Aeon who originally created it. Akivili's trailblazing will was inherited by their followers, known as the Nameless, who included the Astral Express among their ranks. However, as the malignancy known as the cancer of the world continued to spread, it contaminated the star rail on which the Express traveled.

The blight expanded, causing the rails to become obstructed and the once-proud train to come to a halt. For many years, it remained dormant and neglected, a shadow of its former self.

Then came Himeko, a curious and industrious young girl who discovered the Astral Express and became captivated by the stories and history it held. Driven by her fascination and a desire to uncover the mysteries of the train and its star rails, she dedicated countless hours to its restoration. Himeko meticulously repaired the numerous cracks and dents in the train, rejuvenated its engines, and revitalized the star rails, ultimately restoring the Astral Express to its former glory.

During her tireless efforts, Himeko made a startling discovery. While working on the train, she found a boy, about one to three years younger than herself, lying unconscious near the entrance of a room. His clothes were muddy and worn, as if he had been in the Express for years, possibly in a state of prolonged slumber. Concerned and intrigued, Himeko carefully brought the boy to the medics at the Herta Space Station, where she waited anxiously for him to wake up. There was something about the boy that made Himeko restless, filling her mind with a myriad of questions.

How had he ended up on the Astral Express? Where were his parents? How long had he been there? Why was he the only one left on the train after it fell into disrepair? How did he survive all alone, or had he been in a deep sleep since the Express stopped running? These questions and more swirled in Himeko's mind as she watched over the boy, eager to uncover the secrets he might hold.

After a day or so, the boy finally stirred. His vision was blurry at first, but after a few moments, it cleared, and he could see his surroundings. As he tried to sit up, his movement immediately caught the attention of the red-haired girl and the medics nearby.

"Oh goodness! You're finally awake!" Himeko exclaimed, her voice filled with joy and relief.The boy looked around, bewildered by the unfamiliar environment and the faces staring back at him. Everything felt strange and disorienting.

"W-where am I?" he asked, his voice tinged with confusion and uncertainty.

"You're in the Herta Space Station," a medic responded gently. "My name is Rina. Can you remember your name?"

"My n-name... My name..." The boy lowered his head, concentrating hard as he tried to recall any memory. Minutes passed in silence, the room thick with anticipation. Then, suddenly, a fragment of memory surfaced. He remembered someone calling him 'Zephyr.'

"Zephyr... My name is Zephyr," he said, his voice a mix of embarrassment and relief. It had taken him several minutes to even remember that small detail.

"So, Zephyr, can you recall anything else?" inquired the medic.

"Uh... no, everything feels foggy and dull when I try to remember anything else," Zephyr replied, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"Really? You can't even remember your parents or how you got to the Astral Express?" Himeko chimed in, her curiosity piqued.

"The Astral what?" Zephyr asked in confusion, tilting his head.

"The Astral Express!" Himeko repeated with emphasis.

"What's that?" Zephyr looked even more bewildered.

"It's the place where I found you unconscious," Himeko explained.

"Unconscious? I can't recall anything about this Express you're talking about, nor do I know how I got there. Though, thank you for getting me out of there... uh," Zephyr trailed off, realizing he didn't know her name.

"It's Himeko," she supplied with a smile.

"Ah, thank you, Himeko," Zephyr said, bowing his head in gratitude.

"Don't mention it! I was just doing what I should have done," Himeko responded warmly.


"Alright, enough chit-chat," the medic interrupted. "Mister Zephyr, you've just regained consciousness after who knows how long. Talking too much immediately might cause you to pass out. It's better for you to rest rather than waste too much energy. You two can talk after you're done healing." The medic advised.

Zephyr nodded and lay back down on the bed, feeling the fatigue catch up with him."Well, hope you recover soon, Zephyr!" Himeko wished him a speedy recovery, her voice full of cheer as she dashed out of the room.

Zephyr watched her leave, a gentle smile creeping up his face. "Himeko, huh? She's quite the character," he mused. His face flushed slightly, recalling their interaction, but he quickly shook off the feeling and closed his eyes, letting the rest he desperately needed take over.

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