"So, Ella", Lucy started, "who do you think is cute around here. Have you noticed anyone in any of your classes that you think is hot?"

Ella looked at her with a blank expression. "What do you mean...hot?"

Sibylla laughed a little, but not in a mean way. "Ella, if someone is "cute", they are just cute, but if someone is considered "hot", that means they are more than cute. They have a certain sexiness about them."

Ella blushed at the word "sexiness". She had heard the word thrown around a few times while at the school and she was still trying to get accustomed to the boldness of the language used here. It was a lot different from the convent. No one ever would have said the word "sex" around her at the convent unless they were talking about the gender of someone, and that was not often. It was considered a taboo word for the most part, as was the entire subject of sex.

"Girls don't turn around but look who is in this lunch today." Everyone eyeballed Millicent with a curious look. They obviously couldn't turn around. "Who is it?" all of them spoke at once.

Millicent was sitting on the side of the table that had the best view of Dr Moustakas standing on the perimeter of the cafeteria. Beside him was a beautiful lady, that Millicent recognized as a girlfriend. It seemed as though Dr Moustakas had more than one girlfriend though, so none of the students really knew who any of them were to him. "It's Dr Moustakas." As she spoke, her words were in a loud whisper, and she bent her head closer to the table so no one that was standing up could read what she was saying.

Ella could feel her back instinctively straighten up, with the mention of his name. All of the girls had inadvertently lowered their heads closer to Millicent's to hear what she was saying. Not only did Ella straighten up, but all of the girls simultaneously did. Anyone watching them would have known they were trying to be inconspicuous with their exchange, so they weren't doing a very good job. Add in Millicent's eyes peeking at the couple, and it was obvious who they were speaking of. Mostly their conversation went unnoticed though. It was only a moment later that Millicent's eyes widened as she realized that Dr Moustakas with his friend beside him, was slowing walking toward them. He had his usual stoic look on his face as he was casually looking over the crowd, as if he were studying everyone.

"Ah hem" Millicent was trying to get the other girls' attention to make sure no one was saying anything about the doctor or his friend. The others at the table were watching the cues she was sending with her eyes as the couple moved closer and they all knew what she was trying to tell them. The companion with Dr Moustakas didn't seem very interested in the occupants at the table, but the doctor stopped there and peered down at them, as his face softened for a second.

"Ladies, I trust everyone is well here today." His voice was smooth and deep, like always. You could almost feel his words vibrate though your chest.

Ella couldn't see him well without turning around and she opted to stay facing forward as she nodded her head and softly spoke a  "yes sir" at the same time the other girls said it as well. Her heart stopped for a second when she heard him say her name.

"Ella," he always did the tiniest tilt of his head when he began to speak to her..." how are things going here at Langton for you? Are you having any problems that need addressing? Is there anything you need help with?"

He had moved around the table to a position where he could see her better. Her eyes had widened when he said her name and she froze for a second. When he finished his questions, she tried to speak, but nothing came out at first. She did a weak shake of her head to indicate she was having no problems, even though she had really had a few with the resident bullies. "No sir. Everything is fine." She finally got the words out in a sheepish voice.

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