"That actually sounds so fun!" Estelle praised her friend, (Name) bashfully smiling. The two girl's discussed how the stream was preferably set up, especially the tiny skits they were planning to do throughout.

The conversation soon was cut short due to the sound of a instagram notification. Estelle knew it wasn't hers due to her phone being set on silent mode, so she ushered her friend to check it immediately.

(Name) did so as she turned on her phone, the blue light illuminating her pretty face. Her eyes scanned the screen as she quickly found where to notification came from, but to her surprise, it wasn't who she expected.

Instagram DM
So, I heard you coming over to the crib?


Estelle was confused as her friend seemed to be completely frozen, her eyes wandering back and forth repeatedly. She peaked her nosey head so she could get a clear look at the message, (Name) seemingly too starstruck to even care.

Her friends eyes lit up as it finally clicked in her head what she read, a squeal soon forming in her throat. Estelle looked at (Name) with the most childish smile as her friend returned the same.

The two girls squealed like a 90's girl scene as they fell back on the couch, the high pitched screaming still occurring. They both soon sat up, their squealing turning into huge smiles of joy.

"Girl! Text him back, text him back!" Estelle repeated as she grasped her friend's shoulders and shook her lightly, the grin never leaving her beaming face.

(Name) fumbled with her phone, her face seemed to glow red as she still couldn't comprehend that her idol still managed to text her. Her heart seemed to beat quicker, light sweat forming on her forehead, if she could have swirls in her eyes they would've appeared so clearly in her pupils.

She gulped as her breath got caught up in her throat, rapid breaths leaving and returning in her lungs.

"I-i don't know how to respond?" She shuddered as her eyes never left her phone. Estelle took this time to think of a seductive yet alluring line that could make this man swoon, not knowing he was already.

Seconds felt like minutes before Estelle swiftly took the phone out of her still star struck friend's hand. Before (Name) could even react she stumbled off the coach and seemed to sprint into another room.

"Wh- ESTELLE!" (Name) seethed as the scene rendered in her brain, not trusting Estelle to think or even make a calm response.

(Name) seemed to leap off the coach, slipping and stumbling on her own to feet to gain balance once again. Before she could even stand up straight she started to trip and stumble on her own to feet to find her feral friend.

"Estelle, I swear to fucking god.." She tiredly breathed out, scanning the area Estelle seemed to head towards. (Name) picked up the door to her bedroom that was open before has seemed to be cracked shut.

With the last energy she had, she opened the door with harsh force, catching her breath as she squeezed the doorknob. (Name) quickly found Estelle with her phone, a pretty mischievous grin plastered on her face as she rested on (Name)'s soft queen bed.

(Name) jumped onto Estelle as she fought carelessly to grab her phone from her. Though she won, she already knew that Estelle had probably said something (Name) would never have the confidence to say.

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