Karl fails at trying to fight the 'whore' accusations (karlity) ♻️

Start from the beginning

Karl:"um,you know,I'm not going anywhere this summer either,seems like everyone is going on holiday with their family's n stuff but...I'm stuck in this boring town I guess..."
Karl awkwardly chuckled.
The silence was loud,Quackity didn't respond.
Karl scratched the back of his head,this was very awkward.
Quackity:"cmon,sit down"
Karl nodded and quickly sat on the bed next to him.
Quackity didn't seem to be in the brightest mood,even when he was bullying Karl he was energetic.

But I guess Karl would be tired too after trying so hard to fit into the perfect 'jock image' for all those high school years.
On the other hand,it didn't seem like an act after all that 'what the fuck are you doing here f-ggot?' Thing.
Quackity opened the metal box revealing a rather unpleasant smell.
Karl scrunched his face in disgust before covering his nose with his sweater sleeve.
Quackity:"yeah,that's what weed smells like.."
Karl:"it's disgusting?"
Quackity laughed.

Quackity:"well if you wanna get high you'll have to get used to it"
Karl shook his head,Quackity laughed at how Karl still refused to take his hand off of his mouth and nose.
Quackity grabbed his arm and put it down making Karl groan.
Quackity:"cmon,suck it up you fairy"
Quackity scoffed.
Karl still looked uncomfortable.
Quackity:"alright,this is weed strain 1,this is just regular indica,makes you calm,good for sleep,good for relaxation but still feels great,

Karl nodded as he pointed at the baggies in the box.
Quackity:"alright,this is stativa,this is the weed you see in movies,the one that makes you more hyper n is just more fun in general,alright?"
Karl nodded again.
Quackity:"alright.I'm gonna spare you strains and just give you the most basic one,which one do you want?"
Karl:"ummm....what do you recommend?"
Karl looked at him as he zoned out,this was odd? Having a normal,well,'normal' conversation with Quackity who usually just said gay he was n stuff.

But Quackity was actually nice to talk to when there weren't people around that expected a certain behavior in him,sure..he was still homophobic but..he actually seemed pretty decent.
He was also pretty hot,but karl tried not to think about that.
Karl heard a snap infront of his face.
Karl stopped zoning out and blinked.
Quackity:"helloo? Did you even hear what I said?"
Karl looked down and shook his head.
Karl:"Sorry,I was distracted..."

Quackity:"i know your gay,and being this close to someone this awesome,sexy and cool must be exciting but I'm talking,alright?"
Karl felt a smile creep up on his face,was that a joke? Did he just joke around with me?
Quackity:"as i was saying,I'd recommend for you to take indica first,and then stativa But! Since this is your first time I'd recommend just taking both,so hybrid."
Karl tried to stop smiling but he couldn't,his head was already exposed to so many delusions and scenarios.
Karl managed to get it somewhat under control so he nodded and looked at Quackity.

Quackity got out one of the little plastics bags with the strain inside and got a blue pen.
He wrote down 'for Karl; hybrid' before handing it to him.
Karl smiled at it,he was really out of his mind,
Thinking Quackity could be into him for showing the bare minimum of basic human decency.
Karl snapped out of it and put the bag in his pocket to replace it with his wallet.
Karl:"yes! How much?"

Quackity started to think while Karl curiously looked at him,his fingers already spreading open his wallet.
Quackity looked at him,that dumb clueless face like he was a deer in headlights.
Karl:"....did you forget?-"
Quackity:"no I'm just trying to decide wether or not I should give you a discount.."
Karl:"discount? Why would you give me a discount?"
Quackity:"fine,don't take it then?"
Quackity said,getting offended for some reason.

Karl got out 35 dollars from his wallet and gave them to Quackity.
Quackity looked at the bills handed to him.
Quackity:"actually,I changed my mind,make it 40."
Karl nodded,to submissive to bargain so he handed him and extra five dollars.
Quackity took the money and put it on his nightstand before looking at Karl.
Quackity:"your really a little bitch,you know that?"
I guess it was back to normal...

Karl:"yeah,you tell me that a lot.."
Quackity looked down,wich Karl didn't expect?
He expected Quackity to say something like 'yeah,well,you deserve it.fucker.' But he didn't say anything...?
Quackity:"....well,lucky for you,i won't see you again after these few weeks,so..."
Quackity scratched the back of his head as he looked away.
It felt weird that Quackity said 'I won't see you again' instead of 'you won't see me again' but I guess it was nothing.
Karl tilted his head.

Karl:"maybe we will? Then you can push me to the ground and call me a f-ggot all you want"
Karl scoffed.
Quackity looked at him,realizing that he might look worried.
Quackity:"aren't you moving away or some shit...?"
Karl:"just moving to my college campus,it's a little far so I'm guessing you'll have to find a different twink to bully in this town"
Quackity scoffed.
Quackity:"you got into college?"
Karl nodded.

Quackity laughed.
Quackity:"wow....have fun fucking your roommate or something"
That was a lame joke,but Quackity was to arrogant to realize it.
Karl rolled his eyes.
Karl:"you know...Olivia got into college too,
Must be hard to live so far away from her,'m sure she'll have fun with her..roommate?"
Quackity stopped laughing,he looked at Karl for a few seconds before he shoved him.

Quackity:"don't fucking talk about her!"
Karl stumbled back a bit,maybe he shouldn't have made a joke about Quackitys ex girlfriend..
I guess he misread the situation,they weren't on joking terms they were just alone.
Karl:"it was a joke? Not my fault she dumped you?!-"
Quackity:"shut the fuck up!"
Karl regretted what he said,he really didn't know what he just started..
Quackity:"your really gonna give me relationship advice? Your literally the schools 'virgin whore' you'd give someone a handjob if they gave you five dollars and a compliment?"
Karl:"that's not even true?!"

Quackity:"you fucked the whole football team,
Karl,your a slut I don't know why your even trying to talk down on me?!-"
Karl:"you fucked the whole cheer squad,what's the difference?!"
Quackity:"the difference is your a fucking
f-ggot! You literally sucked off Sapnap and corpse under the bleachers last Friday,I fucking saw you!"
Karl didn't respond,he just sat up and looked at Quackity confused.

Quackity sighed and wiped his face down,
disappointed that he got himself so worked up even though no one other than Karl was there.
Karl:"...you know about that...?.."
Quackity looked at him.
Quackity:"yeah? I saw you?..."
Karl scratched his head.
Karl:"so you know their gay?"
Quackity looked around and shrugged.
Quackity:"yeah? So?"
Karl looked at him confused.
Karl:"sooo why are you still friends with them?"

Quackity:"cause their still my friends,idiot? I love them unconditionally? Fucking moron-"
Karl:"so why do you hate me??"
Quackity shrugged.
Quackity:"it's fun? And it's kinda the norm around here? It's a small town man,someones gotta be homophobic to you? Better me than someone who's gonna end up kicking the shit outta you or something?..."
Karl looked around like he had an epiphany.
'Man'? 'Better me'? Was this him being nice?
Why does he still sound like an asshole..

Karl leaned back on the headboards as he thought about it,Quackity joined him.
They were both just staring at the window now.
Karl:"so you don't care that both of your friends had sex with me? The twink you hate?"
Quackity:"they can do whoever they want,I mean I wouldn't personally go for you but....
I guess I see it?"
Quackity looked at Karl,was that a compliment??

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