Chapter 1: Voices

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That person wasn't supposed to die.. That person wasn't supposed to be killed each other...

I forgot how to breathe, how to move. That scene was stuck on my mind. It just won't stop playing no matter how many times I tried to stop it.

Everything was red. The sky, the floor, the environment. Two people died right in front of my very eyes and if I could at least stop them - I wouldn't be like this; none of us would..

The damage has been done...

I don't want to believe. I just wanted to wake up from this nightmare. I wanted her to still be alive. I wanted to forget that this all happened.

I couldn't hear anything. I don't feel anything besides pain and remorse. I can feel my heart was struck by a thousand blades; a thousand arrows - or it seemed - a bullet disintegrated through my chest.

"Miss! Are you okay? Are you alright?" I heard a voice echoing the hallway. I didn't look up on who it was.

On the outside world, the people evacuated the students out of school to avoid danger.

Sirens were heard just outside the school. The police and detectives arrived, investigating the crime. I could no longer speak for now, traumatized by the scene that made me want to open my eyes that this isn't real.

I just want to wake up from this catastrophe...

There was amount of blood yet it won't stop. My eyes never left the scene..

The medical aids arrived and pulled out a stretcher, however, when they bent down and checked their pulses, they said something that I didn't want to expect.

I felt someone wrapped a white blanket around my shoulders. The person revealed to be a young blonde woman, probably in her 40s, wearing a bulletproof vest with black pants.

I don't know if the pool of blood was getting bigger or was it only my imagination.

"Come now, sweetie. You are not safe here.." The same lady slowly supported me up caressing my back. She noticed that I have some bruises but they weren't as worse as theirs.

"Ever, where are you taking her?" A police arrived wearing a bulletproof vest, too. His eyes stood wide-eyed when he noticed the scene.

There were some students who witnessed it before they were evacuated.

"I'm taking this girl to the hospital, Ethan. You can go back to work while I'll handle this." Ever told him as she assisted me in heading towards the exit.

"There is not much to see here." She mumbled as quietly as possible for me not to hear it but I'm so lost in thoughts that I wasn't able to absorb on what she mumbled.

She let me sit on one of the stretchers. "Ever!" A white - haired police approached us. He was wearing gloves, eyeglasses. He seemed to be in the late 40s.

"Desmond, what's the status report?" She began to ask.

"U-Unfortunately.." Before the man continues, Ever backed both him and herself away; few meters away to give me space.

I hugged myself in the blanket, still believing that this was all a dream.

For some reason, I may not be able to get a wink of sleep after all this...

Drip, drip, drop.. I can hear my own conscious mind going bizarre. My whole life has completely twisted.

How foolish you are, child..

I heard someone speaking to me or maybe I'm going crazy inside my head. Darkness surrounded me as I shut my eyes tight, forcing myself to wake up and just pretend like it didn't happen. I kept on repeating the process but it was useless..!

I wanna cry.. I want to...

I've been shaking devastingly - afraid, scared, pain. I wanna pray that I wanted this to be over.

Please.. Oh God please...

Suddenly, I felt a wet liquid rolled down on my cheek. Why on earth am I crying..? This is only a dream right..?

Mom.. Dad...

When those words slipped, my heart felt like it was split into two; like a blade really impaled into it, piercing it slowly for me to prevent from speaking, to move.

Everything's going to be okay...

I tried to still believe in those words. At least for once.. But everytime I kept on repeating those 6 words, those 6 words that my parents used to say whenever I'm down, whenever I'm hurt, whenever I'm broken, I believed in them. I always do..

So how come when I say it, all on my own, it became the exact opposite..?

It was so scary that I never felt like this before. Till now, it was only my heart that never left my side. Its constant beats that filled the engulfed, deadly silence.

But why was I still alive?

It's as if I can hear the rain dropping. Either inside or outside the world. I failed miserably to return to the outside world. I ended up stuck in my own world. My own conscience..

Why am I the only one spared..?

Why were thoughts drifting like a river that keeps on going but never stops..?

I want this nightmare to stop.

I wanna stop this suffering.

So why.. why...

What did I do to deserve this?!?!

Screaming inside my head, I clenched my fists further, trying to create blood spread all over my veins.

Unbearable Touch (Noragami)  Yato x OCWhere stories live. Discover now