"I don't know what your talking about, honey." Did I really just say that?

Cody flushed red before continuing, "you know! When I realised you were trying to impress someone!"

I don't know what came over me but it was a mix of embarrassment and anger coming out so wrong, "WHY THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO NOSEY? EVER HEARD OF PERSONAL SPACE?" I shouted, instantly covered my mouth in shock as I stared down at Cody looking for a reaction.

Cody's face was hurt, he looked like he was about to burst. Cody always took stuff to heart and this time I had crossed the line, I knew it.

"WELL, WHY EVEN BE MY FRIEND? YOUR SO BORING I DON'T KNOW WHY I EVEN ASKED!" Cody screeched at me. I was taken aback by this.

"You haven't changed.." Cody whispered. This honestly was my breaking point.

I just saw red, how dare he? I threw my controller at him, barely missing, screaming some random insults, "OKAY GAP? WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SUCH A BITCH ABOUT EVERYTHING? YOU THINK YOUR SOME LADIES MAN WHEN NOBODY LIKES YOU! I WAS ONLY YOUR FRIEND BECAUSE I WAS FORCED!"

I was so angry I couldn't even feel sorry for him, I covered my face and sat down in embarrassment and anger.

I could hear smashing, crying and shouts of anger from Cody as he teared my room to pieces, one piece of furniture at a time. Cody was standing in the middle of the room looking livid, I genuinely thought he would attack me.


I sat there for a few minutes before I could hear gentle sobs, I looked up and what I saw honestly broke me.

Cody was now curled into a ball and was sobbing his heart out while shaking - muttering some gibberish, was he having a panic attack? I instantly felt horrible and knelt down to where Cody was sat.

"Cody I'm sorry I-" was all I could get out.

"Why...?" Cody cried and buried his head deeper into his knees.

"Cody breathe in.." I tried calming him down. This didn't work and Cody started hyperventilating, trying to breathe between cries which was getting us nowhere.

I looked at him with pity before I did something I'm not sure if I regret or not, I laid down where he was and held him in my arms while he cried. What was wrong with me?

Cody's breathing soon returned to normal before he looked at me with hurt in his eyes, his eyes were red and puffy and his face was stained with tears.

"Did you.. mean any of that?" Cody breathed while looking at me sadly.

"No.." was all I could say before Cody grabbed me and hugged me tightly, was it hot in here?

Cody was hugging me? Even after all that?

"I actually think your gap is really cute.." I admitted, looking at Cody smiling while he stared in shock. Oh no! Had I blown it? Did he hate me?

Before I could say anything Cody grabbed me by the face and kissed me. I didn't know what to do at first, I was in shock, after a few seconds I kissed back.

We broke apart panting, Cody's cheeks were flushed which looked pretty cute.

Before I could even say anything Cody looked pale and ran out of my room.

"Cody, wait!" I cried after him but he was gone. Did he hate the kiss that much?

He had ruined my whole room too, it's not like my parents couldn't buy me new furniture but why had he gotten so mad? I knew he had problems with his mental health which could be the reason, I didn't want to assume though.

Ugh! I wish I had Cody's number to check up on him. That actually gave me an idea..

Owen new almost about everyone in the school! He must have Cody's phone number!

I decided to text him:

Bookworm🏳️‍🌈: Hey Owen. Can you do me a favour?

Big-O🍔: Yeah sure dude! What do you need??? :)

Bookworm🏳️‍🌈: Do you have Cody's phone number?

Big-O🍔: Yeppp, of courseee! what do you need it for?😏 You got a lil crush?

Bookworm🏳️‍🌈: NO! Anyway you promised, just give me the number.

Big-O🍔: fineee I don't believe u tho 😏😏 either way I totally ship! His number is ######

Bookworm🏳️‍🌈: Don't get too excited, thanks.

Read at 7:37pm

At least I had his number now! What would I even text him "sorry for being an asshole also why the fuck did you kiss me?" Doesn't sound very friendly.

Bookworm🏳️‍🌈: Hi Cody, I'm sorry about today but could we talk? I'm not mad or anything..

Read at 7:43pm

He was ignoring me, great! I'd have to speak to him at school now, this is going to be hard.

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