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It was November 6th, the sun was setting, and it was a cold breeze.

The sky was filled with oranges and reds, and Ranboo saw the sun slowly go down as he walked to their friend's house.

Ranboo met a short brunette outside of her house.

"Hey, Ran!" She smiled widely as Ranboo smiled back.

"Hey, Aimee." Ranboo said with a smile in their voice.

"Let's go!" Aimsey said while dragging Ranboo.

"OW-" Ranboo shouted because Aimsey was tugging on their wrist.

This continued until they finally got to a coffee shop.

Ranboo never really tried coffee before.

The last time he tried it, they were about 14 years old, and they hated it.

But maybe their taste buds changed as  student now!

Aimsey opened the door, going inside as Ranboo followed her.

The 2 was instantly hit with the smell of pastries and coffee.

Ranboo couldn't tell if he hated it or he loved it.

"Hey, Aimee, can you order for me?" Ranboo asked the other.

"Sure! What do you want?" Aimsey returned.

Ranboo stared at the menu.

They didn't know anything about coffee.

"Uh.. Just get whatever you think I would like." Ranboo shrugged.

"Hello! Welcome to Coffee Confessions. My name is Tommy, what can I get started you with today?"

"Hi! Can I get a black coffee with a vanilla frappuccino?"

Ranboo had no idea what a frappuccino even was.

But hey, they trusted Aimsey.

"Comin' right up!" Tommy said with a plastered on grin.

"TUBBO! MOLLY! GET ME A BLACK COFFEE  AND VANILLA FRAPPUCCINO UNDER THE NAME- What's your name? For the coffee!" Tommy asked the shorter brunette.

"Oh! Aimsey!" Aimsey quickly responded.

"UNDER THE NAME AIMSEY!" Tommy continued.

"ON IT!" Another voice shouted back.

"Cmon! Let's go, Ran!" Aimsey said excitedly.

Aimsey dragged Ranboo to the corner table in the café.

There were 2 stools, a table in the middle, and the view of the gorgeous sunset outside.

"Soooooo.. Does your life seem more romantic??" Aimsey said while laughing at the idea.

Ranboo groaned, "Stop bringing that up.."

Ranboo had told their best friend that he wanted to work on romanticizing their life, although they didn't know that she would make a whole tweet about it.

Aimsey laughed, hearing the other's words.

"Yeah, yeah.. You did your essay about the short story thing that had to be at least like.. 12 paragraphs for your script writing class thing?" Aimsey asked.

Ranboo's eyes widened.

That's what they wanted to do in the café, that's why they brought their computer.

"OH SHIT-" Ranboo yelled quietly, digging through their bag to find their computer as Aimsey laughed.

Ranboo quickly took it out and entered the password.

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