Chapter 599: Disappointed

Start from the beginning

Qi Lei basically would not speak to him, ignoring him, but Secretary Wang would be more proactive. When he saw that Qi Lei did not prepare utensils for Qi Qiming, he would prepare them for Qi Qiming by himself.

Qi Lei did not want to speak much to Qi Qiming since it was just another mouth, so no matter how tormenting it was, he did not care. He just hoped that he would quickly leave when he was done eating so that he could have some peace and quiet.

On the outside, he would not go against Qi Qiming. Because the new company was getting on track, it was not good for him to have any scandals, so he let him be.

"Second Master, you're back! We've been waiting for you for quite a while. There's fresh fish. CEO Qi went to a village to inspect the construction site and brought this back. It's a wild breed, and there is some first-rate game that's been cleaned too. Since it's the holidays, let's eat well tonight. CEO Qi didn't have time to eat lunch today."

When Secretary Wang saw Qi Lei walking over, he smiled flatteringly and buttered up to him. His eyes flickered back and forth between Qi Qiming's stiff expression and the unsmiling Qi Lei.

Yang Sheng carried a heavy briefcase and followed behind. When he saw Wang Chun, he expressed sympathy! They had it hard as assistants and secretaries!

Qi Lei walked over in huge strides, ignoring him. However, he looked at Qi Qiming with a side glance, not slowing down as he took out his key card and swiped it against the sensor before the door automatically opened.

Yang Sheng dared not follow after right away. He looked respectfully at Qi Qiming, smiled, and indicated for him to enter first.

The silent Qi Qiming watched as Qi Lei walked in. He felt relieved because he was afraid that he would hear some unwelcome news from him.

While when he thought about this, Qi Qiming could not help but laugh at himself. Who would have thought that Qi Qiming would experience such a day too!?

It was karma!

After he walked into the villa, Yang Sheng and Secretary Wang stayed in the living room knowingly. Apart from taking the ingredients to the kitchen, they dared not stay in the kitchen.

Qi Lei just swiftly took his coat off and revealed a gray shirt underneath. He elegantly unbuttoned his sleeves, rolled them up, and walked into the kitchen. Qi Qiming sat on the sofa for a while, then turned hesitantly to look at the brightly lit kitchen. He seemed to struggle for a bit. Finally, he got up and walked to the kitchen.

He pushed the heavy glass door open to enter, and what greeted his sight was Qi Lei cutting the ingredients.

When he heard the footsteps from behind, Qi Lei paused for a moment, then continued what he was doing.

"Have the Qi family servants quit? Or couldn't you find a single place to eat in the whole of City Z?" Qi Lei's voice came through, sounding calm, but there was an unwelcome hostility.

Qi Qiming could not help but feel sad upon hearing that.

"It's the weekend, so I've come to see you. How're the preparations for the new company coming along? A while back, I heard that there was a barrier with the industry and commerce office. Chief Zhang from that office is my old friend. I can just talk to him..."

"Didn't you just come the day before yesterday? When have you started to be so clingy now?" Qi Lei's voice was mixed with thick sarcasm.

He did not think that Qi Qiming's sudden concern was because he suddenly came to his conscience. Perhaps, he had some other plans. It was the end of year now, and the shareholders' annual meeting was to be held after the New Year. Was he coming to get support for Qi Feng now?

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