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a long time Frenemy returns-

Rain was left alone as Venice left into town to find more information of the missing commoners that left. It's been his main target for months. Rain might have snooped around and over heard a big visitor was coming to the palace today and that visitor was gonna join them for dinner.

Rain thought maybe it was Prince Prapai or maybe one of his cousins from the main royal family. No information about this visitor was provided as it remain a mystery to Rain as his curiosity was killing him.

Now he can't wait and he's getting bored again.

Sky was feeling much better thanks to Prapai for taking good care of him and he is now back to his post of watching Rain outside the Prince's room. Rain opens the door and peeps his head out slowly.

"Psst.....Sky? PSSST!"

"Stop that! I can hear you. You are literally right beside me." Sky whispers yells at Rain.

"I know. I'm just bored and wanting some entertainment." Rain admitted.

"Don't you get that every night with the Prince?" Sky asked as a small grin plastered on his lip.

Rain face turned around of embarrassment as he didn't expect Sky to say that.

"Sky, don't say things like that. It's already embarrassing that you guys can hear us." Rain whined.

"We are use to it already. Us guards don't dare complain or question about what's going on in the Prince's bedroom." Sky reminds Rain but that doesn't matter.

It's still too embarrassing to him.

"Anyway, I wanted to ask you about do you know who is coming today? P'Phayu won't tell me because and no one else around the palace. I'm getting more curious and I can't wait any longer." Rain admitted as he is growing impatient.

"Exactly, I don't know who it is either. I'm just as clueless is you but I did overhead that he is a old friend or a foe. All I know is that he is very important to King Macau." Sky admitted but Rain was still disappointed.

He wanted to know if Sky knew who this visitor was but this new information was interesting and he is important to the King, which means he is very important.

"When will P'Phayu be back?" Rain asked once last question.

Sky looked over at the clock that's down the hall but he can still read because of how bing the clock hands are. Sky does expect the Prince should be back in just a matter of minutes but he knows what to do if the Prince isn't back on time.

He would have to hide Rain to a secure location and gather all the guards in the house to protect him while Sky goes to find the prince at his last location. As that thought came to mind, a swarm of royal sliver and black guards came through the main entrance door.

Sky held tight on his sword and saw them marching in. They separated as Prince Venice and a man with a gold and black suite as he wore a badge of the army force. Sky thought this was a army force and this rather tall and handsome guy with glasses who looked just as old or maybe older than King Macau.

Prince Venice made his way towards Sky as Rain quickly slam the door to hide as he wasn't supposed to be outside the room until he came back. The prince heard the slam and sighed heavily as he shook his head that Rain thought he could just run away.

"Sky, was everything in place while I was gone?" Venice asked his most trusted guard.

"Yes, everything was fine while you were gone." Sky admitted.

"Great, take our....special guest my throne room. I'll catch up after I get Rain prepared and then tell the laddies to have the table and dinner finish by the time I get there." Venice order Sky and he nodded and bowed as he did as he was told.

Venice opened up his room door and saw his silly but cute suitor laying in bed pretending to fall asleep. Rain even went as far as to make a little snore to try to convince Payu that he is sleeping. Payu walked towards the bed as sat on the edge and watch the little trickster play his little game.

"Rain? Mmmm....I guess my little bunny is sleeping aye?" Payu played along until he looked down to see Rain's exposed torso. It game Payu an idea to get Rain up. "Such a tease Rain, you know whenever you expose your body to me, it makes me wanna do......"He leans down to Rain's ear. "Bad things to you." Payu finishes as he runs his finger down his waistband.

Payu slapped his exposed skin as he officially woke Rain up from his act.

"Ouch! P-P'Phayu....why did you hit me?"

"Because you are a faker."

"I was not faking. I really was sleeping." Rain argued.

"Lie again. I saw you talking with Sky outside the door. I also heard the door slam so that means you plan this fake ruse this whole time." Payu reminds him.

"But you......didn't have to hit me. That's sleep assault." Rain pointed his finger in the Prince's face.

"But you weren't sleeping and I barley hit you." Payu removed Rain's finger out of his face as he scooter close to Rain as he wrapped his arms around his tiny waist and pulled him close. "Lying to your suitor is a bad thing." Payu admitted.

"I didn't mean to lie. I didn't want to make you mad. I got bored again waiting for you." Rain admitted and the Prince understands.

Venice tries to do everything in his power to make sure Rain is entertain but it is so hard and he knows Rain only just wants him by his side but Venice can't always be there. His job as the prince is very hard and he doesn't have many off days.

"Let's meet my Uncle's old friend and eat dinner okay?" Payu announced to Rain and he nodded and smiled that Rain is finally gonna get introduced to the visitor.

After Rain and Venice's talk, the two men made there entrance to the throne room. Sky, who was waiting for them as he followed behind. Rain was kinda nervous now as he saw the man with the gold and black army suite on.

"Rain, this is Sir General Arm. He is a long time friend of my Unlce Macau and he knew my parents King Vegas and Queen Sir Pete as well." Payu introduced.

Arm, who has returned bowed down as he already acknowledged the Prince's suitor.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Sir Rain. I've heard....quite some things." Arm admitted.

"The reason I was gone this afternoon was to have Arm help me with finding the missing commoners. His army and troops will scout the entire town other towns to find them. My guards aren't made or train to hunt people down. Only to protect me so I called in the best of the best." Payu revealed the truth.

Rain was amazed to see a real army general but a question definitely strike him as he was curious. Payu looked at Rain's face as he knew Rain had a question.

"Rain, If you have any questions to ask Arm, he will be more than happy to answer them." Payu reassured.

"You said you knew Queen Sir Pete before. We're you a commoner before?" Rain asked.

"Indeed I was. Pete was my fiancé and we were engaged to be married before he met the King Vegas. I took a very dark path and ended up being imprisoned by the King as I wanted revenge to get Pete back. I realized I couldn't fight for Pete and make him love me again and that his true soul mate was King Vegas. I helped Macau from being kidnapped but I wish I was smart enough to stop my wrongdoings and maybe I could of save Pete from death and King Vegas." Arm admits and every time he thinks or even talks about the incident, he feels guilty.

But Macau doesn't blame him but he rather is grateful that Arm changed and saved him from death. Rain couldn't believe the truth that he was getting. It was such a crazy story.

"Now that questions are finished, let's all eat." Payu announced.

A/N: I'm back after a long update :( sorry about that.
Ignore the mistakes :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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