chill day

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{|Switch pov's|}
(Nick pov)
Once we get into my house I signal charlie to go into my room while I talk to My mum so he grabs his things and goes upstairs with Nellie
"So dear. What's going on with Charlie?"
"Because his therepy isn't working very well and him and his mum have frequent arguments he learnt a way to cope instead of self harming. It's called age regression have you heard of it?"
"Like I said with you being bi nick. Yes I know what it is I wasn't born in the 1920's" she sighs
"Well yeah."
"Here I have a fluffy blanket in the guest room and I drinking cup with a straw, is that okay?"
"Yeah thank you so much mum"
"No problem"
I go upstairs and grab the blanket and walk into my room seeing Charlie asleep with Nellie on him.
"Oh go back to sleep char."
"Nu you come lay with me please."
"Okay okay" I shush Nellie off and lay down with Charlie
He smiles

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