Although their NEWTS were not until next year all of the 6th years were feeling the pressure of their impending exams. However even with the stress the Marauders (and their extended group of friends) still found time to pull stupid pranks and enjoy their so called "study sessions" under the willow tree by the lake.
"We need a brilliant end of year prank this year. It needs to be magnificent." Sirius announced one evening as they lounged around on the grass in the shade of the large drooping tree.
"Any ideas?" James asked casually with his head on lily's lap while she played with his hair, braiding strands together and sticking daisies into them.
"Nah, I can't think of anything good enough."
"We coulllld....turn the Slytherins red and gold?" Peter suggested.
"Not big enough, we need to hit the whole school. Something funny, everyone could use a good laugh." Sirius retorted.
"Fireworks in the great hall?" Remus suggested.
"Feels over done."

"Huh." Teddy mumbled quizzically to herself, a thoughtful look on herself.
"What?" Remus asked her gently, seeing the cogs turning in her head as she read the charms book settled on her lap. She was sitting between his legs and he glanced over her shoulder to see what she was looking at.
"D'you need help with somethin?"
"No, no, I was just thinking about this." She pointed to the page and Remus read.
"Yeah, portkeys, it's pretty advanced magic but I reckon...if we all worked together."
"We turn something into a portkey?"
"Not just one thing...what if we turned every doornob or quill or...I don't know fork or something, into a portkey."
Sirius sat up at this.
"Now Ms.Malfoy, you may be onto something you little genius."
She grinned to herself. This was one of the first kind things Sirius had said to her in weeks.
"Why don't we do them all." James joined their plotting. "Everything you just said andore maybe. Every cauldron and goblet and chair."
"People would be bouncing around the castle like mad."
"This is perfect, this is genius! We have to do it!"

That night in the boy's dorm they all gathered together again to plan their greatest prank yet. Teddy sat on the edge on Remus' bed sleepily, pulling bobbles off Remus' jumper while he sat between her legs. He scribbled away on a piece of parchment hurriedly writing down clear instructions for creating portkeys.
"Alright so I've made a list of everything we want to turn, there's a lot so we'll need to split up."
"Yeah, probably best, divide and concur." Sirius nodded enthusiastically.
"What's the list?" Marlene asked.
"Um well all of the cutlery and goblets, those are in the kitchens. They get apparated onto the table every meal time so we don't have to worry about house elves getting bounced around the castle.
Then there's all the doornobs in the dorms and classrooms, and as many quills as we can manage to get our hands on. Then all the chairs on the library and the classrooms and the cauldrons in the dungeons."
"Merlin." Remus mumbled and rubbed his face with his hands.
"I was thinking we could do it on Sunday night. That way we'll cause utter chaos on Monday morning and might even get classes cancelled for the week!" Sirius bounced up and down on his bed as he spoke, gesturing wildly with his hands.
"Brilliant, so we'll all meet back here on Sunday night. Moony you almost ready with those instructions?"
"Yup," he have James a nod and quickly performed a duplication spell until a neat stack of his lists appeared Infront of him.
Teddy kissed his head and whispered: "show off."
He grinned.
"Does it have to be Sunday night?" Peter asked nervously, fiddling with his hands.
"It was cause the most destruction so, yeah." Sirius said bluntly.
"Oh...ehmm...well it's just I have plans on Sunday evening."
"Plans? What plans? What could be more important than the greatest prank Hogwarts has ever seen."
"Ehmmm welll....I've got a date." He said quickly and all in one breath.
"Good man Wormy! Who's the lucky girl." James jumped in before Sirius could say something mean.
"Um, Desdemona Lewis, she's in Hufflepuff. She's really pretty and we've been talking a lot in the greenhouses and well she agreed to meet me in the astronomy tower on Sunday."
Peter's cheeks had blushed and he looked giddy with excitement. It was very sweet.
"She sounds lovely Pete." Teddy said with a kind smile.
He grinned back at her and nodded.
"She is, I really can't miss it."
"Could you move it forward? It might be a good idea also considering she might not make it back to her common room without being transported somewhere random in the castle." Remus exclaimed logically.
"Oh, well..I suppose. Maybe I could ask her for Saturday instead? Oh! That's Hogsmeade isn't it? That's even better! Thanks moony."

Fall Apart- R.J.LWhere stories live. Discover now