Twinskiii 💕🤞
Yu alr know


Once Madison turns her phone off her smile slowly fades as she gets off of her bed and walks over to her sister's rooms.

"This place is disgustingly clean," Madison says after looking around the nicely organized room. "Thank you, Simone cleaned it" Lilly smiles while sitting on her bed.

"Where is she"

"She just went downstairs to get the Oreos," Lilly says while Madison sits down on her couch. "Oh did you see Wanna's post ?" Lilly asks and Madison nods her head.

"Yup, was just texting Kaylen about it," Madison says while looking at the younger girl. "Oh, what'd she say," Lilly asks so Madison just hands her sister her phone.

"Bro I love Kaylen" Lilly smiles while reading the messages. "Of course, she's a fellow cougar" Madison smiles while Lilly's face cringes up.

"Why do I know so many cougars, bro," Lilly groans while handing the phone back to Madison. "It's in your blood," Simone says while entering the room with the whole thing of Oreos.


"So, I'm just gonna assume we're talking about that post ?" Simone says and both sisters nod their heads. "Yup," Lilly says while Madison grabs an Oreo.

"Don't, not fuck with Scarshit," Simone asks making both Madison and Lilly fall out. "Scarshit is crazy" Madison laughs.

"But, like, no, we don't," Lilly says and Simone just nods slowly. "Okay, got it," She says before eating the rest of her Oreo.

"So, what was your reaction when you saw the post, I just wanna know," Simone asks while looking between the 2 girls.

"I laughed, like I genuinely laughed' "Madison says and Lilly just points at Madison and nods. "No, actually." Lilly agrees

"But, in all honesty, I'm not talking to him till after Halloween, cause that was a crazy thing to post," Madison says seriously and Lilly just nods along with that idea. "As you should !" Simone says while high-fiving the older girl.

"Cause like, why would he even think about a girl who's hurt mine and my sister's feelings?" Madison asks out loud and Simones's eyes widen.

"Pause. What did she say!?" she asks while looking at Lilly who's scrolling on Pinterest. "She said I was annoying constantly and said I looked weird and a bunch of other stuff," Lilly says, and Simone looks like she just solved a fucking mystery.

"You!? I get calling Madison annoying but, You, ?! That's crazy" Simone says and Lilly laughs when Madison's jaw drops to the floor. "Yknow, that's fucked up," Madison says while looking at the curly-haired girl.

Just when Simone's about to say something Madison's phone starts to go off. "Who's calling you this late at night?" Lilly asks even though it's only 7 in the afternoon.

"Oh, it's just Javon," Madison says before muting the call and shocking both Lilly and Simone. "Didn't expect that" Lilly says and Simone nods while grabbing another cookie.

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