He handed you the hairpin and you looked at it in awe. It was just as beautiful as the day you first saw it. You hold it up, and smile.

"Thank you, Michikatsu." You give him a heartwarming smile, as the corners of his lips curl up a little.

You grab his hand and ask him to sit down. He gives you a skeptical look before sitting down, curious as to what you'd do. Before anything, you ask for his consent.

"Are you okay with me styling your hair?"

Michikatsu was caught off guard and didn't reply for a few seconds. You waited eagerly for a response, but upon receiving none, began to get up. That's when you heard his hum of approval.

You sat back down and untied the thread tying his hair in a ponytail. Now that his hair was down, you realised how long it actually was. It was long, dark and healthy. Not to mention, shiny and soft. You were so impressed by his hair that you began playing with it. Michikatsu felt your little tugs on his hair, filled with playfulness and smiled a little. To himself.

You stopped playing around and began to seriously work on his hair to style it. You left two strands of his hair on the front and pulled back the rest. With the remaining hair, you took three strands on each side and began braiding. On the right side, you began braiding to make a small braid. Doing the same on the other side, you joined both the braids into a long ponytail.

With this, you finished tying it up. You got up and looked at his hair from the front and back. From the back, each side of his head had a small braid, merging into the long ponytail. From the front, it was a long ponytail with two strands in the front.

Now, you take the moon hairpin and pin it behind his head, right above the ponytail. The hair looked more lively with accessories.

You gave it on last look before squealing in delight.

"It's done~~~" You cooed.

He got up and took a small mirror from you to get a look at his new hairstyle. With the look on his face, he seemed to like it. You blushed as you spoke.

"Please, forgive me if it's not too good... I'm not that good at hairstyles..."

"No, it's fine. It's actually the first time I've tried something else other than the ponytail." He chuckled dryly.

You were satisfied upon hearing him unwind near you.


A little while later, he walked with you toward the same bridge where you first saw each other. As you stood on the semi circle bridge, he started speaking.

"Y/N, I've thought about it for a while...."

You look at him, waiting for him to continue.

"While I was away at the Corps, I remembered you saying that you like me. I took that into consideration and thought for a long while."

"It has come to my knowledge that you like me, and I began exploring my feelings for you. These past few months I have thought long and hard. All this time of knowing you, I realised I do not really despise you, or your company."

"I began thinking about my feelings for you and realised I like you, as more than friends."

You blush a bright shade of red, as he continued.

"But, I believe I am not ready for a romantic relationship yet. As I have already stated before, I'd like to focus on perfecting my skills."

The smile on your face turned upside down. He continued.

"Although, I'd say we try. We can try being together, until I completely understand my feelings for you. After that, I shall see what I should do."

You hesitated before asking.

"Does that mean we're temporarily together?"

"Yes, I suppose so."

You look at him as he gently holds your hands.

"Y/N, you are my first lover. I'd love to explore my feelings for you. As of now, I know that I like you."

You turned red as a tomato and hugged him.

You blushed as you felt his firm chest against yours, and you were able to smell his scent. It felt ecstatic to you.

Your dream of finding true love, was finally true. Although you could now reach it, you couldn't quite hold it, as it was still a little experiment.

But now, you were a step closer to it. Your dream of finding true love, of having Michikatsu as your lover.

You didn't know about him, but you were certain.

No matter how long, how tough, you would love him.

You loved him.

You almost had him.

You couldn't wait for him to reciprocate your feelings.



Okay so

They're sort of dating, as Michikatsu is an ambitious man, who was still doubtful of his feelings, as of now.

He doesn't want to date Y/N without reciprocating her feelings as he doesn't want to hurt her, but he wanted to be more honest with her, so he suggested they "date"

Don't worry, they'll date for real



In This Life And The Next.... (kokushibo x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now