Chapter Two

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Authors note- This is a short one. I'll try to flesh out the chapters a bit more. I can be somewhat of a perfectionist sometimes and I read my work over and over to make sure it doesn't sound weird or cringe. Sorry if it still is but here it is anyway.

I woke up the next morning with a headache. Hell, it could've of been a migraine for all I knew. During breakfast I got to know my house better. It was infuriating to remember how my own family had talked about this house as if the people in were obnoxious when my few hours I had spent with them had already lead me to the conclusion that they were actually very likable. I could've eaten the castle's food for centuries however we had been handed our schedule for the year and today was the start of our classes. Unwillingly I had to walk away from the mass of food on the table. First lesson was flying. In all honesty it was not my strong suit as I had already knew from the summers I had spent in flying lessons. Draco was luckier than me in that ability. He also seemed to intend to show everyone those very capabilities by being a dickhead to Neville Longbottom. A sweet but timid boy also in Gryffindor. Draco and Harry seemed to have already settled into their places as enemies. Although I wanted nothing to do with him anymore it still managed to make me sad that my brother had such a lack of control on his pride.

Later he tried to talk to me in a corridor after our last class of the day. "Didn't you find that funny Y/N?" His petulant voice followed me down the corridor.

I almost wished that I didn't have to reply but I knew that he would be a bitch about it if I didn't. "I dunno, not really Draco,"

He paused for a minute, thinking I suppose. When he decided what he would say to me however, his words rung in my ears and managed to vibrate in my skull. "What, just because your a Gryffindor now you have to defend half-breeds and mud-bloods? I thought you knew better than to side with imbeciles from Gryffindor. Oh, hold on. You are an imbecile from Gryffindor now aren't you?"

I walked away before he could say anything else. I felt alone. My family had turned it's back on me. As much as I liked my new friends I would not go to them with family problems this early in my friendship with them. My headache had started to arise again. Before I knew it my feet had taken me to the kitchen. George had told me earlier how to get in. I hadn't realised that I would use that information so soon after being given it but here I was. My first thought in the kitchen was to grab as much food as possible but I had been trying to stop eating my feelings away as it often left me feeling worse after finishing. Instead my eyes were drawn to a glass cupboard filled with alcohol. I grabbed a bottle and stuffed it in my robes. I hurried quickly from the kitchen. As I walked around the castle I discovered many things. First of all, no matter where you were, there would be private areas and little nooks just out of sight. I found one in a corridor not many went to as it was not near any classrooms or common rooms and I started drinking

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