Chapter 72: Wrath

Start from the beginning

"There is nothing for you here." Gu Hui Yan's voice was light, but his tone was not tolerating, "Get out."

Gao Ran opened her mouth in astonishment. She wanted to argue, but when she looked at Yan Wang's expression she didn't dare to. She looked at Gu Hui Yan, and then at Gu Cheng Yao, with anxious expression on her face: "Shizi..."

"You go out." Gu Cheng Yao didn't turn his head, but just replied flatly. Gao Ran couldn't help but reluctantly bend her knees and withdraw.

As Gao Ran left, the maids in the room did not need to wait for Gu Hui Yan's order, all consciously retreated outside with Shizi Consort. When only the father and son were left in the house, Gu Hui Yan slowly said, "Say it, what the hell is going on?"

Gu Cheng Yao paused, found it's really hard to speak. He admired his father since he was a child, he studied books and practiced martial arts all this time was to get his father's approval. But now, how could he tell his father that his primary wife found out that his small concubine had an illicit affair with an outside man, but neither of them would admit it, and finally got into a fight?

Gu Cheng Yao was silent, but Gu Hui Yan also not in a hurry, so he waited slowly. Gu Cheng Yao thought about it, suddenly felt relieved. His father had a lot of eyes and ears in the mansion, and he must have already know these things. Asking him now was just asking him to recognize his mistake.

Now that his father already knew about these disgraceful things, Gu Cheng Yao didn't care anymore, so he said it all. However, when narrating Gao Xi's part, Gu Cheng Yao invisibly paused for a moment, and then changed his speech, deliberately omitting the past that was clearly the fuse and passing it away.

Gu Hui Yan looked calm, but the invisible air pressure in the room was getting lower and lower. Who was Gu Hui Yan? When he heard the story he immediately knew there was something fishy. Shizi Consort catch a couple in the act, and the concubine bit back by calling Shizi Consort a hypocrite. Then the two even started to fight. No wonder Lin Wei Xi was dizzy with anger.

However, for some reason Gu Hui Yan had a sense of ill feeling. He had always understood Lin Wei Xi's attitude towards Gao Ran. With such scandals, she should be very happy to watching the excitement. What was mixed in between that it actually affect Lin Wei Xi's emotions, even let anxious air attacked her heart.

Gu Hui Yan was in a hurry to come back. On the way, he only listened to Gu Mingda's general description of what happened. It seemed he still need to carefully inquire about the details.

Lin Wei Xi's matters was suspicious, but Gu Cheng Yao didn't really say it. Gu Hui Yan said: "You took the maid to the study a few days ago, and even left her in the study for the night. The study is a land of pure sages. I thought you understood it yourself, so I leave you alone. Later you wanted to take her as a concubine, I also won't bother with your private affairs. However, since it is your woman, everything that happened to them is your responsibilities. These two people dare to make so much troubles. It's not that they have bad virtues, it's because you gave them such courage."

Gu Hui Yan's voice was flat, but Gu Cheng Yao knew that his father had a high position and strict self-discipline, the angrier he was, the calmer he became. Gu Cheng Yao couldn't help but sink. This tone of his father was very rare. He must be very disappointed in him today.

"Father..." Gu Cheng Yao wanted to argue for himself, but he raised his head to see Gu Hui Yan's eyes, his lips moved, in the end he still bowed his head. "What father taught is that this matter was the fault of this son."

Since Gu Cheng Yao was a child he had always been spoiled by Bu Mama, Yun Hui, even Shen shi and the old Wangfei. He was used to taking whatever he want and doing whatever he want, and he rarely considered the feelings of people around him. This includes marrying Gao Ran and receiving Yun Hui.

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