Chapter 58: Dead Wife

Start from the beginning

Gao Xi's nature was headstrong, even at this time, she had herself cleaned up, showing no signs of weakness and sickness. Instead, she was painted delicately and vividly, as if she was just asleep. Gu Cheng Yao only took a glance, before letting people put down the white cloth and turned around and went out.

The impact left to him by this last sight was far greater than Gu Cheng Yao's own imagination, and even greater than Gao Xi's imagination.

Since then, Gu Cheng Yao had been deliberately avoiding Gao Xi's death. In Gao Xi's mourning hall, his father-in-law, that is Gao Xi's father, the Duke Yingguo's Shizi, cautiously proposed him to remarry his family's daughter. Gu Cheng Yao agreed without thinking about it. He thought he would need a wife soon, as long as this position was not empty, Gao Xi's figure would soon fade away. In fact, on that day he didn't hear clearly which Gao Xi's sister that was, but later learned that it was Gao Xi's sister from the same parent, Gao Ran.

The rest everyone knows, Gao Xi passed away and Gao Ran became the second wife. Gu Cheng Yao told himself that this was very good. All the mistakes were restored. Everyone was happy. That was enough. After Gao Ran got married, Gu Cheng Yao tried his best to be nice to Gao Ran out of a compensatory mentality that even he didn't realize. Everyone felt that this was because Gao Ran was really loved by Shizi. Gu Cheng Yao almost felt the same way. But on this quiet and cold snowy night, Gu Cheng Yao heard the same sound as that day and realized that it might not be true.

He was guilty, he compensated it on someone who didn't know.

When Gu Cheng Yao was very young, he often heard her mother's story about her encounter with his father. Almost every day, as long as Shen shi has time, she would told Gu Cheng Yao about Yan Wang's life-saving grace and love for her. In fact, the details of Shen shi's story often changed, and Gu Cheng Yao didn't know which ones were true and which ones were Shen shi's own conjectures. His mother liked to read story books very much, and she could hardly extricated herself from the stories of talented men and beautiful women, heroes and beauties, and often couldn't distinguish between reality and falsehood. Although Gu Cheng Yao felt that his mother was not so good, she was his mother after all. Gu Cheng Yao immediately felt that it was really unfilial to think so.

At that time, there were only grandmother, mother and him as the three masters in the mansion. Grandmother would sometimes call him over and teach him, but not long after he sat down, Shen shi would follow him and weepingly stood on the side, her eyes stared at him, as if afraid Gu Cheng Yao would be abused. Of course, his grandmother was very displeased. After reading a few words in the book, she could only let Shen shi took her son back. After this happened several times, his grandmother rarely took care of Gu Cheng Yao anymore.

The impact of childhood was always silent and everywhere. When Gu Cheng Yao grew up, he recalled the past and felt that day his mother was not good. His grandmother, Old Yan Wangfei, was a daughter from literature family in the capital. She taught Gu Cheng Yao history books and Confucian classics was for Gu Cheng Yao's sake. But Gu Cheng Yao was still influenced by the Shen shi unknowingly. He subconsciously felt that the love of his parents was indestructible, that gifted scholars and beautiful women could cross the social class, and Yan Wang and Shen shi were together because of life-saving grace. So when the same thing happened to Gu Cheng Yao, he unconsciously fell into this kind of deliberate suggestion. He told himself that this was the right thing to do, so he was going to marry a woman he barely met before, someone whose identity, looks, conduct, and family were unknown. Later, it was discovered that this was the eldest granddaughter of Duke Yingguo Mansion, who was worthy of Yan Wang's family. Gu Cheng Yao was overjoyed and became more convinced that he was right.

Just like in those mystery story book, this was exactly a marriage predestined by fate.

Gu Cheng Yao and his wife passed the first month of their marriage, only to suddenly learn that he had admitted the wrong person. In other words, his predestined marriage was deliberately replaced by someone else.

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