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"Yule.", Hana repeated, trying out the word, "Winter solstice."

It's nice.

"She likes it."

"Yay!" Sunoo, who had come up with the name grinned ecstastically, "I won the naming ceremony!"

Is he always this bubbly?

Mostly yeah.

"Then, can I be the first to touch it?" Sunoo asked, hopeful.

Hana laughed at the boy's cuteness, "Sure, go ahead!"

"But, I've already touched the necklace." Jake said with a frown.

"Do not ruin his mood."

"I'm not ruining his mood!!"

Hana didn't respond as Sunoo moved over to her and gently held the necklace. It glowed brightly under his hand.

That should do.

What did you do?

Hi Sunoo, it's Yule!

"Hey, I can hear you!", Sunoo laughed.

He can hear you?

You said that out loud again.

"Guys, what's going on?", Jungwon interrupted them.

Make them touch the necklace too.

Hana held out her necklace, which was still glowing, to the others around her and under her instruction, the others took turns touching the necklace.

Now I can talk to all of you.

"Woah this is so cool!" Sunghoon laughed.

"What else can you do?!" Jay demanded.

So far nothing else.

"As far as I know, most werewolves can manipulate one of the elements; fire, air, water and wind." Sunghoon quickly volunteered the information.

"Which one can you control then?" Heeseung and Jake's voices came together.

Water, although I have no clue how to do it.

"How do you know I can control water then?"

I know my element, woman.

"Alright! No need to be rude." Hana complained, "How do we learn to control water?"

Em... no clue.

"I've read that other werewolves teach you to do the stuff." Sunghoon came to their rescue again, "I would say we can try to find you a werewolf but that would be hard."

"We can ask Sungjae!" Sooji suggested, "Do you have contact with him?"

"I do have his number." Hana nodded, "That's a good idea."

"Does the necklace help you interact with Yule?" Jay asked, "I thought werewolves did not need such things to talk to their Wolves?"

A werewolf's human part can interact with their wolf after the person crosses 18. The necklace is basically helpful until you can properly work with your wolf.

"That's interesting.", Sunghoon remarked thoughtfully.

Sooji's phone rang suddenly, interrupting their conversation. "It's my dad!", she said.

"You can go into the balcony!" Sunghoon told her.


"I hope nothing's wrong." Hana frowned, "It's rare for her father to call her in the evening."

Sooji returned in a minute and from her face, Hana immediately knew something was not right.

"What's wrong?"

"Mom got into an accident." Sooji said, her eyes almost blank, "Dad... Dad's at the hospital.... I should..."

"Right, we'll go quickly." Hana stood up.

"We can drop you.", Sunghoon offered, standing up too.

Hana would have accepted the offer, but before she could say anything, Sooji had spoken up, rejecting the offer and hurrying out of the room.

Hana sighed, the flash of hurt on Sunghoon's face did not pass her unnoticed, "Thanks, but we'll be fine."

She threw the boy an apologetic look, before hurrying out after the other.


"Are you sure you don't wanna sit down??" Hana looked up at her best friend who was pacing the room in circles. She sighed and walked over to where Hana was sitting, plopping down next to her. The girl placed an arm around her, holding her close.

"I'm just... very scared. How long has it been?"

"10 minutes."

Sooji groaned, burying her head in Hana's shoulder. Her phone trilled.

"You wanna get that?"

"Hana, do you think I was rude to him? I didn't want to let any of them see me like this."

"He's a sensible man. He'll understand."

"If you say so."

The door to the waiting room opened suddenly, revealing Mr Kim. Both girls stood up, hoping to hear good news from the man.

However, he shook his head.

Hana felt her blood run cold.

"Oh." Sooji whispered, walking up to her father, hugging him, her eyes gushing tears.


"We don't have anything to eat.", Sooji said, as they were returning home.

"You guys go home. I'll get us something to eat." Hana told her.

"Will you be alright?"

"I'll be fine." She assured her.

It's quite late. Hana thought, after she had finished buying the necessary things, I better head back quickly.

Hana, wait, Yule's voice spoke in her head, let's not go into that lane. It's so dark and empty. I'm feeling uncomfortable.

Hana frowned, Yule don't worry, I've used the road before. It's safe.

I get that, but still, Its rather... uncanny.

Hana wasn't bothered about which route she took, she just wanted to get back to her family. Yule seemed to understand that.

Fine... just use that road. But hurry.

The girl grinned and quickly started down the road. However she was interrupted halfway through.

"Who are you?!"

The middle aged, black haired woman across her smiled gently, " I'm Bora. You're Hana right? It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Hana... she's a werewolf!

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