Zain called us on the way to thank us for the books on Blackwood Mountain and the Canadian snacks we sent. I played along, as always, because I admit that I hadn't had the time to do this myself, and I've felt guilty about it. I wanted to see him again, but it was too risky.

I haven't told him about the bloodlines of our new family being tasked to keep Lucifer caged. Not only was it too risky to do so over the phone, but now that CENTCOM was involved again, I wasn't sure if they were watching him. Zain is still in contact with the British chapter of the Men of Letters, and I take comfort in that.

I glance at the backseat to see Jason resting in the backseat. The circles under his eyes were fading, but the fatigue was evident on his face. He's been through a lot; I fear this is only the beginning.

"Something doesn't feel right," Jayda murmured for the second time tonight as we approached the mansion.

"Jayda?" Jason frowns as he stirs in his light sleep. "What's wrong, darlin'?"

"...I don't know," she admits. "Something feels wrong, and something terrible is about to happen. It's like an itch in the back of my skull."

"That's your intuition as a hunter and a Marine," I nod as I survey the mansion before us. "Jason and I will search the perimeter while you speak to the mayor."

"Got it," Jayda replied, taking a deep breath as she exited the car.

Her steps were unsteady, and her face was light and sweaty. I wanted to turn back and take my loved ones back to the cabin. I don't particularly appreciate seeing them like this.

As soon as Jayda is invited inside, Jason and I grab a few weapons before checking the area around the mansion. I agree with her that something didn't feel right, and we will get to the bottom of it.

"How are you feeling?" I ask Jason as we circle the house.

"'S good as I'll get right now," he drawled. "I've got this; I'm all right."

"When this is all over," I declared. "We should find our home with Jayda and rest for a while."

"Couldn't agree more," Jason sighs. "I'm gonna hunt for food instead of demons, fish, and sleep."

"Mmm, I'd grow a garden," I tell him. "I'd fill the house with books."

"Sounds nice," Jason tells me. "I wonder what Jayda would wanna do?"

"This would be her chance to find out," I murmur as we approach the back of the house.


Jason's sharp tone made me tense. On instinct, I turn on my heel to flank him. He's pointing to a shape sticking out of the snow, partially hidden by a gazebo.

"What is that?" I wonder.

As we crept closer to it, I saw what looked to be human remains.

"That's the mayor..." Jason murmured.

"Alice never caught on?" I frowned.

"Everything about this place has thrown us off," Jason insists. "Even Jayda hasn't been herself."

"...We need to get her out of here," I agreed as we returned to the house.

"I've heard so much about you, Jayda," I hear the woman inside tell Jayda. "I've wanted to meet you for so long."

"Why?" she asks.

At that point, Jason and I break down the door to see the woman trying to back our love into a corner.

"Back the fuck up!" Jason roared.

"What the hell are you-"

"-The mayor is dead, Jayda," I inform her. "You couldn't tell?"

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