[LEMON! 🍋] "And Now I'm Covered" [Alastor x Reader!Fallen Human] Part 2

Start from the beginning

          You instinctively nodded obediently right as soon as he aired his question. You did it with such a perfect slow fluide motion that it made Alastors grin widen.
          "Good. . ." He added quietly. He then took his hand away from your lips before placing his hand under your chin and leaned in to kiss you. His lips felt rough against your soft, tender ones, but no matter, you melted into the kiss instantly. You couldn't help but become enamored by him, and you could feel yourself leaning into his figure, still keeping your lips locked on his.
          "Let's take this somewhere more comfortable, shall we." Alastor said before reaching down while keeping his eyes on you and pulling you up so you were now at eye level of him, and your legs were wrapped tightly around his lean waist. You weighed nothing to him, and you could tell he was strong because you did not need to hold on tightly and was able to use his arms as a chair.
          He carried you to the bedroom and kicked the door shut, and you heard it close with a thud that sent shivers down your spine and caused you to flinch a little from the sudden sharp noise. Seeing you get startled like that from a mediocre, harmless noise made Alastor smile a snarky grin at you. He was only just getting started and could tell from the initiation test that you were going to be quite interesting.

Wanna be yours
Wanna be yours
Wanna be yours

          He wanted to watch you squirm under him and hear you say his name in the most lustrous ways that no one has ever said it. He wanted to feel you dig your nails into his back and hold you down as you weakly attempted to break free and beg for mercy. Of course, not in any rapey way but more so as a master just reminding his precious servant of their place and who is the boss around here.
          Alastor placed you down gently on the edge of the bed. Leaning down, he began to french kiss you deeply. He didn't need to fight over who's tongue that would be taking over it was evident he won by how you easily just let him explore around the inside of your mouth. His tongue touched every possible inch that it could, and it was to the point he was pulling your face closer to his so he could travel around further.
          He needed to have you. He wanted to explore and touch every part of you. Finding every sweet spot that you had while touching every inch of your soft, warm, tender flesh. You began to moan into the kiss, and you started sychronistically falling onto the bed slowly with your back being planted on the comforter as he was now above you.

Let me be your leccy meter
And I'll never run out
Let me be the portable heater
That you'll get cold without

          "Alast-. . ." You attempted to say before he had put a finger to your lips and hushed you.
          "Shhh. . . Remember our little discussion earlier, mon cheri. ~ ♡ You speak only when I say so. Now just relax. . ." He finished as he placed his hand closer upon your silk undergarments and began petting it softly. This caused you to moan a little and groan. You wanted to whine and whimper because you knew he was teasing you. You knew he was just trying to torture you and prolong the process, which was exactly what he was doing.
          He wanted to toy with you like a cat trying to get the string that was just close enough to reach but could not quite get. He intended for all his moves to make you think he was going to give you what you desire, to then just snatch it away from you like that. Don't worry, he definitely will in the end. He's going to give you exactly what you'll be begging for once he's finished teasing you, but right now, he just wanted to watch you squirm and whimper.
          The petting continued on for a bit before it soon transitioned to him, gliding his finger up and down the soft spot of your womanhood. This caused you to reach out your hand and grab onto his sleeve. You so badly wanted him to just shove his long knobby fingers into your womanhood and just touch every part of it. You wanted to moan his name in every pitch your voice could produce, but you weren't allowed to talk.
          You looked up at him with pleading eyes, and he was just smirking down at you with the most sadistic look and wide grin you have ever seen. It was obvious he was getting a kick out of this little sick twisted game he was playing with you.

"A Hellish Scenario" [Alastor x Reader : Request : CLOSED FOR NOW]Where stories live. Discover now